Luis Suárez


New member
running/athleticism is a primary consideration in most sports... so having it as a secondary attribute is rather hilarious.

Hillarious to think modern-day Barca fans would prefer running over scoring goals, particulary in a team that is crying out for a goal-scorer besides Messi. Good luck finding someone with output remotely close to Suarez's.


Senior Member
Why do people think that 15M is a good price for him? I mean, Real Madrid sold 33 years old Cristiano for 100M!!! That means that we can and should try to get at least 40M for Suarez, no? He can still score a lot of goals in any club and any league.


Senior Member
Staff member
Why do people think that 15M is a good price for him? I mean, Real Madrid sold 33 years old Cristiano for 100M!!! That means that we can and should try to get at least 40M for Suarez, no? He can still score a lot of goals in any club and any league.

Nah Cristiano came off a pretty good season. Suarez has been in a constant decline.
Can't compare Juve and Ajax's economic muscles either, and I doubt a big club wants Suarez.


Well-known member
Why do people think that 15M is a good price for him? I mean, Real Madrid sold 33 years old Cristiano for 100M!!! That means that we can and should try to get at least 40M for Suarez, no? He can still score a lot of goals in any club and any league.

Ronaldo is worth a lot more in merchandise and on the field, especially his CL records speak for him.

Suarez is seen as not as marketable, fed by Messi and past his prime. Not to mention he has sucked at the biggest stage for years. (CL).


Active member
Cannot realistically compare CR7 or Messi value vs other players. It has been a decade of duopoly for those and no players come close no matter their stats. 15 mil for Suarez does not seem that much, but for 33 year old forward in coronayear, thats quite a bit.
Also i still think Suarez has quality and a few years left for him in a team, where other players are working for him and attack is built around him.
He has that great natural goalscoring ability and can pull a golazo out of nothing, but he needs a young and agile team around him. He used to track back alot of more and be more useful in pressing, but in last 2 years he and Messi are just so big liabilities we cannot afford having both on field at the same time.
Not sure why he would want to go to Ajax though, would be far better in MLS for example or in some arab league.


Well-known member
Cannot realistically compare CR7 or Messi value vs other players. It has been a decade of duopoly for those and no players come close no matter their stats. 15 mil for Suarez does not seem that much, but for 33 year old forward in coronayear, thats quite a bit.
Also i still think Suarez has quality and a few years left for him in a team, where other players are working for him and attack is built around him.
He has that great natural goalscoring ability and can pull a golazo out of nothing, but he needs a young and agile team around him. He used to track back alot of more and be more useful in pressing, but in last 2 years he and Messi are just so big liabilities we cannot afford having both on field at the same time.
Not sure why he would want to go to Ajax though, would be far better in MLS for example or in some arab league.

I agree with this. He could be still useful in some team where he has the same freedom as Messi for example, BUT we have already Messi walking and the other amigos. It's team full of past its and walkers. It's too many.

He could work for Ajax. No doubt.


Well-known member
Cannot realistically compare CR7 or Messi value vs other players. It has been a decade of duopoly for those and no players come close no matter their stats. 15 mil for Suarez does not seem that much, but for 33 year old forward in coronayear, thats quite a bit.
Also i still think Suarez has quality and a few years left for him in a team, where other players are working for him and attack is built around him.
He has that great natural goalscoring ability and can pull a golazo out of nothing, but he needs a young and agile team around him. He used to track back alot of more and be more useful in pressing, but in last 2 years he and Messi are just so big liabilities we cannot afford having both on field at the same time.
It's a pity that the like-button is gone.


Senior Member
doubt it ajax has money to pay a fee for him and then cover his salary.

also, suarez and his family are well established in barcelona. i think he'll ride the bench or be used in rotation next season and released for free in 2021.


Senior Member

Suarez's Instagram: “Never Forget that you are the architect of your own destiny”


Senior Member
the most shameless fking cunt in club history with the sack of potatoes and Turan close second and third.

A dumb fuk as well, it should secure itself a last big paycheck in MLS or china while it still can.


Senior Member
the most shameless fking cunt in club history with the sack of potatoes and Turan close second and third.

A dumb fuk as well, it should secure itself a last big paycheck in MLS or china while it can.

Pathetic stuff.

This is his first public communication since the 8-2 and it's not an apology to the fans, but some cryptic rubbish moaning over the fact he has been told to pack his bags by the club.

Sad times all around.


6racies Xavi
If that Ratfuck Barto really meant what he said (still think he is blowing smoke) , then it's time to go Kim Jong-un settings. Start demoting these fuckers.

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