Luis Suárez


President of FC Barcelona
I wished someone would ask him why he hasn't score an away goal since 2015 or got like 6 goals in his last 30 odd CL games. But no reporter or journalist will in fear of losing access :shrug:


Senior Member
Luis is not dumb at all. He hasnt forgotten how we turned to shit in Europe for some time now. He will say anything to justify those high wages he is on. Same with all the other amigos.


Senior Member
Hilarious how he makes the losses about concentration and tactics to hide the fact that their bodies are the problem. Their old ass bodies. Could be bluffing to justify the wages and chill for the rest of the fat contract, could be some next level delusion. Both theories are sad.


Senior Member
Anfield humiliation under Valverde - players blame themselves

Bayern humiliation under Setein - players blaming the tactics

1 thing remained the same through both these events; THE PLAYERS

this club is a clown show from top to bottom, get rid of them all


Senior Member
Anfield humiliation under Valverde - players blame themselves

Bayern humiliation under Setein - players blaming the tactics

And that's the sole reason why Setien should be preferred over Valverde when this question is posed.
Spoiled entitled kids do not want to train or work at all, and they had their perfect person to protect them: Ernie.
When someone asked them to follow instructions and work, they rebel and kick him out of the club.

Hopefully with Koeman taking no shit from anyone, and the (otherwise cancerous) board backing him, their whining will result in them watching from the stands if not forced out.


Senior Member
Anfield humiliation under Valverde - players blame themselves

Bayern humiliation under Setein - players blaming the tactics

1 thing remained the same through both these events; THE PLAYERS

this club is a clown show from top to bottom, get rid of them all
You forgot
They are all damaged goods
Starting from Stegen
To Suarez


Senior Member
Setiens set up against Bayern was the worst have ever seen from a Barca coach....442 with Roberto and Vidal as wide players and fucking about at back passing back to MATS.

He was completely out his depth and could not coach the players nor 'manage' the amigos.

Dont think there is a coach in world that would win CL with that lot but Setien was a joke.


Senior Member
Setiens set up against Bayern was the worst have ever seen from a Barca coach....442 with Roberto and Vidal as wide players and fucking about at back passing back to MATS.

He was completely out his depth and could not coach the players nor 'manage' the amigos.

Dont think there is a coach in world that would win CL with that lot but Setien was a joke.

I'd honestly thought it was going to be diamond, but boy was I wrong.

Vidal as a LM lmao.


Senior Member
Busqets-Vidal-Roberto-De Jong and add to them Messi and Suarez who don't play defense. Now oposition have the best team in world for applying pressure.


Senior Member
Bar?a thinks that Luis Su?rez time at the club has ended. Bar?a will wait until Koeman talks to him and his agent to define his future. Su?rez wants to fulfill his contract until 2021. Bar?a don't rule out Su?rez leaving for free to a club outside of Europe [lesportiu]

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