

6racies Xavi
1. you know that answer like when Busi is bad, and people reply: we at least know that he can play well and we are hoping that he will reach that form again
2. Pique was good in a last couple matches, until yesterday
3. there are no other defenders available currently
4. a club's icon and to some extent, a symbol of Barca, a symbol of Catalonia, a symbol of their fight for an independence. For us who are not living there, it is hard to imagine how strong connection is that one

1.So what you are saying is just pick players based on seniority and no matter how shit they are playing there shouldn't be any consequences for that because they had a really good period a couple of years ago. Got it.
2+3. Yh , but he was fucking shit at the start of the season and was getting folded by literally every la liga player and at that time Barca had lenglet and Vermaelen who was fit at that time . but instead we got Pique who just was allowed to play one shit game after the other.
4 What ?
5. You didnt give any reason.

Btw this was an off topic queestion , one I didnt even expect you to answer while you coveniently ignored the main question : Now you give me 5 reason why he is not even making the bench , while the likes of Denis and Gomes last year do ?
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Senior Member
So, my point: even with Coutinho-Suarez-Messi, our attacking power is good enough, mixed with other areas of a pitch where we are quite well balanced.

The problem is that: until EV won't play with Coutinho-Dembele-Messi-Suarez (as ideal 11s), EV will be considered a bad coach, a coward, and so on

I agree: 4-3-3 with Coutinho-Suarez-Messi is the best with the players at our disposal.
For me even with a 4-4-2 with midfielders Arthur-Vidal-Busquest-Rakitic and Suarez-Messi in front is better than playing with Couthino-Dembele-Suarez-Messi together.
The problem is:
Dembele and Coutinho have cost 300mio, it would be ridiculous if they wouldn't be starters.
Messi is the best
Suarez is the only and great CF we have, and a very important player.


And even if EV will play with this or similar (ideal?, best?) 11s (=means 11s with Dembele-Coutinho-Suarez-Messi) and he will lose, it will be his total responsability, because he's a shit coach, because he can't develop young players, he's not a leader, he doesn't use the right tactic, and so on.
Playing Messi as false 9 (with Cou and Dem as wingers) is part of the past, good old days, that someone romantically wants to bring back to life...

With or without EV, IMO we can't play with those 4 players together, it's not a question of having a bad or good coach.


1. you know that answer like when Busi is bad, and people reply: we at least know that he can play well and we are hoping that he will reach that form again
2. Pique was good in a last couple matches, until yesterday
3. there are no other defenders available currently
4. a club's icon and to some extent, a symbol of Barca, a symbol of Catalonia, a symbol of their fight for an independence. For us who are not living there, it is hard to imagine how strong connection is that one

It was 2-3 Months ago, but wasn't Rafinha the best player in our preseason in every single match?
Further, that argument when people say: he used to be well, so we at least know what he can offer.

Regarding last Month, Rafinha was good against Inter.
And bad later.
But in EV's eyes, probably still less bad than Dembele.

Dembele was bad yesterday again.
Some will say: he scored a goal.
The thing is, in the last 6 matches, we won all matches (except yesterday) without Dembele.

I will put some numbers now, not a real numbers, so they will be pulled from my ass, how users like to say.
But this is just a general idea why wingers/Dembele are not playing under EV.

So, just my estimation/explanation in numbers:
433 with Coutinho-Suarez-Messi/Rafinha:
Attacking power of a team: 90%
Midfield balance due to 4 or 5 midfielders (3 midfielders plus 1-2 wingers like Coutinho/Rafinha): 95%
Defense of a team: 90%
Number of lost balls from wingers: let's say 10 per match

Now, add Dembele instead of Coutinho or Rafinha:
Attacking power of a team: 95%
Midfield balance: 80%
Defense of a team: 80%
Number of lost balls from wingers: 20 per match

So, you see, I agree with you, with Dembele (or Malcom), we really DO have a stronger attacking power.
But we are losing in other areas like midfield, defense, number of turnovers/counters.

And now, the thing is, even WITHOUT Dembele/Malcom, we have won 5 out of 6 last matches and scored A LOT of goals.
So, my point: even with Coutinho-Suarez-Messi, our attacking power is good enough, mixed with other areas of a pitch where we are quite well balanced.

Again, this is just my estimation, but in an example above:
With Dembele in a team:
+ you will get +5% points in attack (in video-games/manager games way)
- but you will lose -35% points in midfield, defense and turnovers

I would explain Dembele's impact to EV's team similar to what Rakitic is doing to a team.
For example, we all agree that Rakitic is a good hardworker and a good defender.
And a weaker passer/playmaker than Iniesta-Coutinho.

Now, the same story:
Passing 99%
Defending 60%

Passing 95%
Defending 50%

Passing 80%
Defending 90%

Now, if you'll play Iniesta-Rakitic duo, you will lose some passing accuracy and playmaking skills, due to Rakitic.
But, if you'll play Iniesta-Coutinho, who have better passes than Rakitic, you will lose way more in terms of midfield balance, workrate, defending than you will get with a few percentages of passing.
So, with Iniesta-Rakitic, you will have:
Passing: 89,5%
Defending: 75%

With Iniesta-Coutinho:
Passing: 97%
Defending: 55%

So, you see: is it worth to play Iniesta-Coutinho to get 7,5% better passing (than Iniesta-Rakitic duo), but also to lose 20% in defending?
So, when you sum it all, Iniesta-Rakitic is on a larger sample of matches a better/more balanced duo than Iniesta-Coutinho EVEN THOUGH Iniesta-Coutinho will be more dangerous attacking wise.
But football is not only ALL about attack.

So, to some extent, I see Dembele (in EV's tactics) similar to this.
With Dembele in a team, you will earn a few points in attack.
But you will lose in all other areas.
And when you sum it all, with him on a field, you are losing more than you are gaining.

And our results in the last 6 matches showed that.
It doesn't mean that in some matches he can't be an impact sub and a better pick than Rafinha/Coutinho.
But on a larger sample, over 38 matches, a trio Coutinho-Suarez-Messi will probably bring more 2:0 victories than Dembele, who's matches will end in 3:3 4:3 and 1:3 all the time (more goals for us, more goals for the opponent, more counters, less balance in midfield, less possession for us).

Regarding Rafinha vs Dembele, EV probably thinks that EVEN Rafinha is bringing more balance all over a field to a team than when Dembele is on a field.
And Dembele will enter only in an emergency cases when a plan A with possession and control is not working good enough.

Regarding Rafinha vs Malcom, you can apply the same logic: EV is going for all-rounders and is less interested in pure attacking skills.
Rafinha is a very average player in attack and very average in defense too.
If we analyze well, Barca almost lost the match (Real-Madrid 2-1) (Rayo 1-1) with Rafinha on the field.
Valverde immediately went back on his choices to eliminate Rafinha and bring in Dembélé. We saw what happened after Dembélé returned to the field to win the game 5-1, 2-3. These 2 games prove that with Rafinha, we are about to lose.
Rafinha loses his balls in dangerous areas and he does not raise his head to make a pass. At worst, he looks lost on the floor and we see the sign of stess and panic on his face.
I do not blame him, it's the club's fault if he can not sell it.

he is a very average player ... otherwise inter Milan would have already bought!
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Now, if you'll play Iniesta-Rakitic duo, you will lose some passing accuracy and playmaking skills, due to Rakitic.

You will lose some creative capacity, sure, but you definitely wouldn't lose any passing accuracy. On the contrary, Rakitic is actually far superior to Coutinho in that aspect and it's honestly not even close.


New member
You will lose some creative capacity, sure, but you definitely wouldn't lose any passing accuracy. On the contrary, Rakitic is actually far superior to Coutinho in that aspect and it's honestly not even close.

Rakitic is only good from a static situations on a drop dead ball with a lot of space, he cannot pass like Coutinho in the movement, quick chips forward, turning and passing, passing with outside the foot, etc...


6racies Xavi
had a decent statiscal season with 12 goals + 7 assists.
Wicked left shot
very dynamic off the ball
has the quality to beat his man
and he is a pretty fast player aswell.

Now you give me 5 reason why he is not even making the bench , while the likes of denis and gomes last year do.

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Well-known member
And Valverde picks Rafinha over this guy cause he couldnt get Willian. Such pettiness and favouritism should not be in top level football.


Senior Member
Nice goal from him. Good turn of pace, shields the ball well, quick feet and good finishing.
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Senior Member
Nice show of support from the team after the goal. Could see that a few of them felt there was a share of injustice towards Malcom.

Just a shame that rather than look happy about his subs instant impact, that Valverde looked a bit, well, pissed.

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