Well-known member
I have never said that every player who is not good enough for Barca will be a crap in all other teams.
But on the other hand, users here are repeating the same mistake OVER and OVER.
If Dembele sucks here and if we sell him, people will reply:
He will end as a new De Bruyne or Salah under a better coach.
If we sell Malcom, people will reply:
He will probably shine and end as a new De Bruyne or Salah under a better coach.
If we sell Alena, lol, people will reply:
He will probably revive his career and play better under a better coach.
So, we have 2-3 examples like Salah who weren't recognized by their clubs.
And then around 90% of players who sucked in their clubs and sucked in every other club later in their career, for a reason.
Yet, people are mentioning Salah and De Bruyne in every example, like currently with Malcom or Alena.
So, not every player will end as Salah. In fact, 1 out of 20, or 1 out of 50 will end that way.
It is way more likely that a player will end as Halilovic, Bojan, Denis.
Or, the most likely: a player will end as a midtable team player eventually.
About Malcom at Bordeaux:
1. he played at a midtable team
2. and he was a key player of that team
When a team is built around a player, he can often perform way better because a team is playing on his strengths.
Remember, when Halilovic was at Dinamo Zagreb, a club was built that way so that Halilovic could look awesome and so that you could see only his good strengths.
When he came to bigger clubs, those clubs weren't interested in building their tactics around Halil. So, he was exposed.
Not to mention that the opponents in bigger clubs were way better.
Or remember Alexis Sanchez.
When he played in BOTH:
1. a smaller club (like Udinese)
2. and when a team was built around him
= he looked awesome.
He was a key player, he was allowed to do whatever he wants. And there was no pressure in terms of results. Plus, the opponents sucked.
Not to mention that he was full of confidence because:
1. he was always a secured starter
2. he was a key player
3. a coach and all teammates had faith in him and they were passing every ball to him (just like Malcom at Bordeaux)
Or, when he played for Chile: the same=he was a key player.
But then, when you put Alexis in Barca's team where he will never be a key man and where he is the 5th most important player=he is lost. He is not a key man. He is not allowed to do whatever he wants. A team is not playing on his strengths. The opponents are better. A huge pressure is on his shoulders, fans need good displays and titles right away.
He is not a starter, he is losing confidence.
A different league, a different style of play.
So, this is why I don't rate Malcom's season at Bordeaux or Dembele's season at Dortmund as much as you do.
Those circumstances are a totally different universe and they don't have too much similarities with Barca: with our pressure, with our team, with our pecking order, with our possession play etc.
My point was that bringing up Halilovic and claiming he can't even play for Arsenal is just as pointless as comparing him to Salah. I don't think it's relevant for Malcom that Denis sucked for Arsenal too, that just shows how bad Denis is.
Instead of just naming the most likely solution and leave it at that you instead started your typical rambling. I also don't think many people will seriously believe Malcom will go the Salah way as that is just so rare but it seems you always need a ridiculous "the peoples" opinion to argue against instead of picking the individual users.
Also idk what you think how i rated Malcoms performances in France but i don't think they were that outstanding, i mean he was on the way to Roma for 35M so that already says a lot. But then again just being good and sort of the main man for a decent team there is already more than what Denis showed, not even speaking about Halilovic. So again i think guys like Paco would be a way better comparison than players that failed completely.
And for Dembele, yeah whatever. Discussing that with you doesn't make sense so let's just agree to disagree on that

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