Manchester United


Well-known member
I shouldn't say it though.

Not because I care about your feelings (I don't), but because it is ableist language and very unlike me.

I am saying what I see. But I am the guy who hates insults like 'retarded' and 'spastic' and calls people out when using them sometimes in person. So I shouldn't use autistic either. Though in this case it's a descriptor.


Senior Member
I shouldn't say it though.

Not because I care about your feelings (I don't), but because it is ableist language and very unlike me.

I am saying what I see. But I am the guy who hates insults like 'retarded' and 'spastic' and calls people out when using them sometimes in person. So I shouldn't use autistic either. Though in this case it's a descriptor.



Well-known member
I've let him drag me into his web yet again. And he still hasn't answered the Fans POTY enquiry, after almost 24 hours.

Lost cause. In the immortal one's words, 'I am oot'.


Well-known member
Not my pal.

But a nice wee story.
Makes sense you'd like a guy who hasn't seen his disabled child since he was an infant. And plays the race card because he can't own up to his shocking managerial skills and low IQ,

'Yorkie' is an absolute waster of a human.


Senior Member
Lad I know who works in media and is mates with Yorke asked me to place the bets.

Same lad who used to play 5 a side with Maradona.

Some life.


Well-known member
All your 'mates' seem to be linked to these utterly clueless ex Man United legends who completely failed in management...Neville, Yorke the child abandoner, and others.

It's obvious you're a Man United sympathiser which is why you have so many with connections to their players and legends, and also why you talk the club up a lot. And claim their 90s team is better than City now.

Living in the 90s, can't stand that City have taken them over and surpassed them.


Senior Member
He did.. I think it was Maradona, Freddy Kanoute, Salgado and some others that would play weekly for a while.

Ended up in Maradonas house there also and got him to sign an Argentina 10 strip and later got same strip signed by Messi I believe.

Some life.

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