Marc Bartra


President of FC Barcelona
Bartra's injury is minor one, he could force and play the cup final, although there'd be a certain risk to get more seriously injured. [abc]


Senior Member
Bartra's injury is minor one, he could force and play the cup final, although there'd be a certain risk to get more seriously injured. [abc]

Imagine him playing and getting an injury that would end his hopes of going to the world cup , only because the board was too dumb to buy a defender in the first place.


New member
Bartra is good, but Im afraid he is going to get badly exposed against Madrid like he always does against big teams. Good luck to the player.


New member
The 2nd goal was certainly his mistake in part but we can't forget that we've seen actions like these from players like Mascherano and Alves at least a hundred times. He was basically alone in defense, Alves was nowhere and what Pinto did I won't even comment. He is a good CB, don't know if I'd be comfortable with him starting next season though.

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