Marc Bartra


New member
He didn't do well for the goal but the least you could expect at a world class tram is if one player makes a mistake another one bails him out... Unfortunately it seems like players like Alves have completely forgotten how to defend


New member
One mistake that a good RB would've helped him with :( , but if it wasn't for him we would have been murdered in the air and he played great best defender overall although
m,asch had the block of the match.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
He is partly to blame for their goal, but I agree Alves shouldn' t have given that much space...

Still, I think he was alright, hopefully he can keep growing as a player...


Senior Member
Had a good game, just needs to learn that he cannot always win the ball of peoples toes and not dive in so much. That is his biggest weakness.

To be fair to him it seems to be about enthusiasm to do well.


New member
If we do sell Alves I'd love to stick Bartra on RB he won all heading duels and would be an awesome defensive RB while Alba pushes up


New member
If we do sell Alves I'd love to stick Bartra on RB he won all heading duels and would be an awesome defensive RB while Alba pushes up

And then when he's moved back to CB we can put Ie there and do the same thing for him. Although I think Montoya might just be good enough to make it here.


New member
Montoya is alright against smaller sides but still not physical enough to handle big matches and cover set pieces like Bartra.


Danger Ahead
Yes he made a mistake, but he is learning from his mistakes, he got yellow card for stopping fast counter attack, because now he understands that yellow card is better than goal.


Mike the Knife
Yes he made a mistake, but he is learning from his mistakes, he got yellow card for stopping fast counter attack, because now he understands that yellow card is better than goal.

Yeah, he was responsible for the goal in a very Vincent Kompanyish fashion but as others have pointed out, I'd rather he learns & makes these mistakes now than later...I remember Busquets' first season with the first team, can't even recall the number of Caceres type errors he made that led to goals...Rarely see that now...Key is to iron them out and playing builds confidence


New member
Whoever plays at right CB for us, if he's not named Puyol, he's gonna have a real hard time covering Alves' mess.

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