Marc Bartra


New member
So what has he done? I stopped watching after Sevilla's 3rd goal, I know he made a mistake before their 4th. Anything more?

He was all over the place, the only thing he did right in his 30, 40 minutes on the pitch was one tackle on Immobile.


Active member
Many of us strangely thought that all he needed to develop further was more playing time and to get more mature.... Not like we are taking about an 18-year-old whose inexperience may be excused... Already at the age of 24, I do not see him develop any further, best to offload him and make a little bit of money if anything


New member
Many of us strangely thought that all he needed to develop further was more playing time and to get more mature.... Not like we are taking about an 18-year-old whose inexperience may be excused... Already at the age of 24, I do not see him develop any further, best to offload him and make a little bit of money if anything

Come on, he was good last season, let's not overreact. Also defenders often become great just post 25.


New member
Unfortunately he's giving reasons for Lucho to continue ignoring him. Not a great showing yesterday, time to put it behind, we still won the cup.


I always said Bartra is too soft as a defender to make it big. If he wanna stay as a back-up I have no problem with that. But if Barca is gonna let him go then just let him go for good. No buy back option again. He's not 20 anymore, not I have seen any improvements in him over the years.


Previously known as Mehssi
A bit disapointed in Bartra too.. I've always defended him and had high hopes for him but he doesn't seem to be improving in the big games :(


Looks nothing like the talent he was a season or two ago. He has to go as soon as possible, he is 24 years already and never playing has taken its toll on him. Should've left when Puyol convinced him to stay, his love for Barça is ruining his career.


Senior Member
Looking more and more like Oleguer and less like Puyol...

Oleguer was good enough to be a starter both in 2005 and 2006, at Cb and in 2006 as a Rb instead of Belletti in all tougher matches.

So, yes, he is closer to Oleguer than to Puyol, but he is miles behind Oleguer.
Oleguer made some horrible mistakes from time to time and he was technically poor when he had the ball, but he was more or less solid in matches against biggest teams like Chelsea, Milan back then.

Bartra is good only against Levante at Nou Camp and played one good match in his whole career against bigger teams (Psg group stage 2014, Camp Nou) where he wasn't a disaster.

Imo, in my eyes it is somewhat rude to compare someone like Bartra with Oleguer.

Oleguer is more or less Barca's legend.
Bartra will probably end like Muniesa and Montoya.

= Oleguer 127 appearances in 5 Seasons for Barca
= Bartra 46 appearances in 5 Seasons for Barca

That is quite a difference...
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