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How can you compare Cb who all play in 5 different teams with stats.
How can you compare Cb who all play in 5 different teams with stats.
The best defenders in history of football are around 1.80.
Percentages. If you're having a 44% tackling rate, then that means you lost more tackles than you won them.
No they are not, they are at all differenz sizes and statures, averaging at around 1.85m. Some above 1.90m some below 1.80m. But they all had their qualities, raw defenders, with great tackling, marking and game reading skills. Something that Marquinhos has not yet shown, and his physics are atrocious, Again loosing every second header and more than every 2nd tackle is gonna cost your team. Maybe that's why he can't pass David Luiz. You wanna put Puyol into it? Compare Puyol's shape with a light weight like Marquinhos, Puyol was a lion of a man, he had shown his aerial ability on several occasions.
Percentages. If you're having a 44% tackling rate, then that means you lost more tackles than you won them.
No they are not, they are at all differenz sizes and statures, averaging at around 1.85m. Some above 1.90m some below 1.80m. But they all had their qualities, raw defenders, with great tackling, marking and game reading skills. Something that Marquinhos has not yet shown, and his physics are atrocious, Again loosing every second header and more than every 2nd tackle is gonna cost your team. Maybe that's why he can't pass David Luiz. You wanna put Puyol into it? Compare Puyol's shape with a light weight like Marquinhos, Puyol was a lion of a man, he had shown his aerial ability on several occasions.
I find it funny that you mention the stats when you are comfortable, but at the same time when the statistics show that Bellarabi is a better dribbler than Costa
It's the comparison matrix on Squawka.com
You can costumize it with a wide variety of parameters.
Marquinhos plays on a team which always dominates its opposant except vs Barca... This is the reason why his stats are less impressive. Stats are nothing in football. See the stats of Atletico vs Bayern and the final result.
Marquinhos is far better than Laporte and co...
More interesting, FF best young players team (U23) :
Varane in this team is strange ... but for the rest i'm ok.
not MustafiUmtiti is better than Marquinhos, but more importantly, he is available.
Edit: I had a look at the same stats from Squawka that were used here, and Umtiti absolutely demolishes all of these players.
not Mustafistill think that Mustafi is best choice for Barca.
Quite a few people who follow Ligue 1 tell me that Umtiti is rather average.
In that moment he was the better dribbler based on stats. That right now things have changed show only that statistics are irrilevant if not interpreted in the right way.It gets even funnier when statistics do not even show that Bellarabi is a better dribbler than Douglas Costa.
Maldini, Stam, Adams, Blanc, Thuram, Nesta, Figueroa, Bergomi, Facchetti and others were all between 1.85m and 1.95m. Puyols case is pretty clear, stats are not needed to know that Puyol is basically manhandling Marquinhos in the physical department. But yes, if you want them, here they are. Marquinhos running 15/16 campaign vs Puyols retirement season. Puyol was 5cm smaller than Marquinhos, yet brought more weight with him in the form of muscles. Also having a lower center of gravity and legs like tree trunks, very hard to push this guy off his feet. Size matters, but it's also about how you use it. Puyol and any legendary defender you come up with used their size nd weight at a much more useful way than marquinhos uses his.
But how, is now the right way? You like turning the omelette as it suits you. You are really contradictory.... and pathetic.Statistically it's the wrong way to go in most cases, last season the msot completed dribbles in Bundesliga have been completed by Bellarabi, wouldn't exactly call him worldclass though.