Martin Montoya


New member
I would badmouth the coach too if he'd buy a clown like Douglas. Let alone play him ahead of me.

Just no. If you badmouth your coach behind his back you better get out of this Barca. No place for this in any decent team. Or the board should sack the coach if he has lost the dressing room. There has to be hierarcy in the football club, can you imagine Pep being badmothed by Milito etc because he played ukrainian defender before him. Just no, if this is true it is on Montoya himself.

Chong Li

New member
If the player badmouthed the coach in the press I could accept this kind of treatment, but he's not allowed to complain about the situation internally?

Fuck Lucho for being such a weak leader, a pussy, a stubborn and arrogant prick.

If somebody should get the sack for this it's him, not Montoya.


President of FC Barcelona
Do anyone know what he even said about Lucho? That article is only for subscribers. Would appreciate if someone posted or atleast told what the entire article says....


The Culest
If Lucho had balls he would confront Montoya and listen to and accept criticism and act on it. But he is acting like an egoistic sensitive little girl whose toys have been snatched from her.

Assuming this is true ofc.

Chong Li

New member
Do anyone know what he even said about Lucho? That article is only for subscribers. Would appreciate if someone posted or atleast told what the entire article says....

La resolució del misteri Montoya

XAVIER BOSCH | Actualitzada el 12/12/2014 18:39

El recomano 2
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1. Montoya

La periodista Aina Cerdà va explicar al programa Els matins de TV3 allò que tothom volia saber: el perquè de l’ostracisme de Martín Montoya. El cas va passar fa uns dos mesos. Luis Enrique va saber que el lateral el criticava i li ho va recriminar davant de tots els companys de vestidor.

2. Luis Enrique

El míster va demanar als jugadors que, si tenien alguna cosa a dir-li, li anessin de cara. El que no es podia pensar ningú, ni el mateix Montoya, era que ho pagaria tan car. Ni un minut més. Per això ha demanat que el traspassin. ¿L’autoritat de Lucho queda reforçada? Ho dubto.

3. Lateral

Dani Alves acaba contracte amb el Barça, Douglas és una broma, Adriano és un bon suplent però no un titular... Al planter, Patric no arribarà al primer equip i Godswill està tendre i lesionat. Si el TAS no ens permet fitxar, l’entrenador podrà lamentar-se de traspassar Martín Montoya.

4. Suárez

El dia del París Saint-Germain, el Barça va presentar la penya Diplomàcia, formada per ambaixadors estrangers, que van ser a la llotja. El de l’Argentina va dir que marcaria Messi. Fàcil. El del Brasil, Neymar. Golàs. I el de l’Uruguai va pronosticar un gol de Luis Suárez. La van clavar tots tres.

5. Mathieu

En saber-se les alineacions, un seguidor del PSG que tenia a la vora es lamentava que a l’equip de París només hi jugava un francès: Matuidi. “Juguen tants francesos al PSG com al Barça, amb Mathieu”, li vaig dir. Em va preguntar quants dels del Barça eren de La Masia. Dimecres només sis de casa.


President of FC Barcelona
Thanks, so not much more written except that he criticized Lucho infront of the squad and that with Douglas being shit and Alves leaving at the end of the season, Lucho may end up regretting his decision to isolate Montoya with Patric not good enough and Godswill just returned from injury and with his 1st full season with the B team

Chong Li

New member
Thanks, so not much more written except that he criticized Lucho infront of the squad and that with Douglas being shit and Alves leaving at the end of the season, Lucho may end up regretting his decision to isolate Montoya with Patric not good enough and Godswill just returned from injury and with his 1st full season with the B team

Lucho heard about Montoya complaining and then scolded him in front of the team.

Piss poor leadership skills by our asshole wannabe coach!


Senior Member
Lucho heard about Montoya complaining and then scolded him in front of the team.

Piss poor leadership skills by our asshole wannabe coach!

If he actually did that then...yuck!

Not only is he crushing a player's confidence and hopes, he's creating more friction rather than absolving it.

Not to mention he makes himself look like an idiot in the face of the rest of the team as well.

Awful approach from an awful coach.


Just no. If you badmouth your coach behind his back you better get out of this Barca. No place for this in any decent team. Or the board should sack the coach if he has lost the dressing room. There has to be hierarcy in the football club, can you imagine Pep being badmothed by Milito etc because he played ukrainian defender before him. Just no, if this is true it is on Montoya himself.

What Chong Li said. It's not like he did it in the press. If you think players don't gossip about the manager's back then you have no idea what's going on. Players talk about the manager, both positively and negatively.


President of FC Barcelona
I wonder who snitched though. Can only be someone who want to come in the manager's good books. Could be a player or support staff or someone working there being there at that time too though.


I wonder who snitched though. Can only be someone who want to come in the manager's good books. Could be a player or support staff or someone working there being there at that time too though.

Honestly, I don't think another player would snitch on Montoya. Unless it was a player who would benefit from Montoya being frozen out of the team. So it's either Douglas or other Club staff.

Blaugrana Man

New member
This all is shaking out as just one more reason Lucho has been such a massive mistake for the club.

I'm still blown away that one of the biggest and most successful clubs in the world thought that bringing in some nobody former player was the best way to right the ship.

I feel for Montoya. Lucho is a moron and Montoya had a chance to be a decent squad member.

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