Mason Greenwood

Even if it is some '**** roleplay' fetish going on in the audio, the guy needs help. Being aroused by the idea of ****** someone is fucked up in itself and will surely only lead to him actually ****** someone in the future

Makes me wonder how many more of these scumbag footballers there are playing every week cheered on by fans and doing this type of shit off field.

I actually think that is more about accepting a no - that goes against their Ego of being a "big present" to the world... - the problem for sure is education (family, agents, clubs), too, where they push a lot of this talented footballers too much sugar into their behind...


Senior Member
Jesus fuck, you and some other users here say some of the most vile shit about women. No wonder you don't like feminists, most likely you don't enjoy them shitting on your personal traits.

Like what the fuck, listen to yourself: a woman who hooks up with guys for money deserves to be beat up and ***** repeatedly.

Lmao the amount of misogynistic cunts on this forum holy shit.

Where did I say specifically that she deserves to be beaten and r.aped by someone ? Are you stupid or what ?

I swear that whenever someone on the forum says something about whomen that's contradictory to your leftist feminazi beliefs , you're the first one to pop up and lick their ass. Are you a full max level simp or what's the deal with you ?

They've been together for what , 2 years ? That piece of shit probably was always like this to her but she didn't give a fuck since she got to be with someone famous and now that he broke up with her there's all of a sudden pics or tapes or vids about how he's been a degenerate human being.


Senior Member
Where did I say specifically that she deserves to be beaten and r.aped by someone ? Are you stupid or what ?

I swear that whenever someone on the forum says something about whomen that's contradictory to your leftist feminazi beliefs , you're the first one to pop up and lick their ass. Are you a full max level simp or what's the deal with you ?

They've been together for what , 2 years ? That piece of shit probably was always like this to her but she didn't give a fuck since she got to be with someone famous and now that he broke up with her there's all of a sudden pics or tapes or vids about how he's been a degenerate human being.

Its not uncommon for "ordinary" people to stay in abusive relationships for years either, none of them "gives a fuck" either, is that it?

Perhaps its not as easy to leave as you believe, ever thought about that?
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Senior Member
People need educate themselves about domestic abuse.

In most cases like this people use their fame, power and wealth to control, manipulate and threaten their victims.

This is a guy who is caught on audio physically threatening this girl if she didn't have sex with him. It's much more logical to believe that he would have threatened her by other means to keep her quiet and constrained rather than labelling her a gold digger who was voluntarily subjecting herself to physical and sexual abuse for financial reasons.

Victim blaming her is nothing short of toxic.
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Senior Member
Perhaps its not as easy as you believe to just leave, ever thought about that?

If you have a boyfriend who beats the shit out of you but instead of breaking up with him the first time that happens or refuse to go to a therapist to ged rid of the unhealthy emotional attachment you have with said individual , you continue to be braindead enough to continue that relationship for years, you have no sympathy from me.


Well-known member
If you have a boyfriend who beats the shit out of you but instead of breaking up with him the first time that happens or refuse to go to a therapist to ged rid of the unhealthy emotional attachment you have with said individual , you continue to be braindead enough to continue that relationship for years, you have no sympathy from me.

What if the boyfriend threatens to do something to her or her family if she goes to the police or ends the relationship? you think too simple We cannot make a judgment without knowing the background.


Senior Member
This thread goes into personal opinion and judging other members slower than I expected from this forum.
I am not impressed :coffee:


Senior Member
What if the boyfriend threatens to do something to her or her family if she goes to the police or ends the relationship? you think too simple We cannot make a judgment without knowing the background.

My post was made towards the relationships in which this doesn't happen.

In this case , did he threaten her family ? Someone made a post yesterday about her dad defending this cunt.


Senior Member
What if the boyfriend threatens to do something to her or her family if she goes to the police or ends the relationship? you think too simple We cannot make a judgment without knowing the background.

tbf, it seems she won't press charges, deleted the posts immediately, and her dad is defending him (sort of).
If she is ok in keeping him out of trouble for financial gain, which seems to be the case, which could allow him to do damage to other girls.
Isn't it fair to call her a gold digger? She will be practically helping him to damage other girls for money.
If you have a boyfriend who beats the shit out of you but instead of breaking up with him the first time that happens or refuse to go to a therapist to ged rid of the unhealthy emotional attachment you have with said individual , you continue to be braindead enough to continue that relationship for years, you have no sympathy from me.

I have seen such toxic relationships a lot in the last 30 years from friends and coworkers etc. The women always think the guy loves them because they usually treat them differently the next day and "try to excuse themselves and tell them how much they love them). You help them getting out of the relationship - help them getting an appartment and moving out - only to watch how the next guy is just the same.

The whole topic is not so easy. It always has a past with abuse often in the family or with big selfconfidence problems.

Yes, if it would be me and a man would try to beat me he would have done that just once - I would just leave and if needed even go to the police. But if you e.g. have seen what her father said to the Mail yesterday - it does not seem that she really has the loving background...


Well-known member
My post was made towards the relationships in which this doesn't happen.

In this case , did he threaten her family ? Someone made a post yesterday about her dad defending this cunt.

In those situations the psyche can go crazy. It's difficult for us to imagine it as we never experierenced that. Anyways, the reason why she didnt go to the police earlier doesn't play a role, if he really beat her the fault is to 100% on Mason's side.

Lol her dad must be crazy if he defends him.While it wouldn't be the first time the woman has falsely accused her of doing something to her, as long as we have no other evidence, this allegation has to be taken seriously.
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Well-known member
tbf, it seems she won't press charges, deleted the posts immediately, and her dad is defending him (sort of).
If she is ok in keeping him out of trouble for financial gain, which seems to be the case, which could allow him to do damage to other girls.
Isn't it fair to call her a gold digger? She will be practically helping him to damage other girls for money.

this would be hilarious and i hope she doesnt accept that

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