Mason Greenwood

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
Yeah, nothing you can do if the woman in question fancies the guy. Everyone is free to like who they want. If she doesn't think Greenwood's behavior is not right, that's where it ends.

Respect women's choice. Some prefer bad boys, with all the nasty stuff that comes with it.

When women call men out for abusing them, those men are absolutely castigated and rightly so.

However, when women willingly stay with men that abuse them because they are prepared to put up with the abuse in exchange for money and material objects, they should not be questioned ??????

Can't have it both ways. Sounds like a pretty unfair stance on men, where women are not held accountable for their actions, but men are.


Senior Member
When women call men out for abusing them, those men are absolutely castigated and rightly so.

However, when women willingly stay with men that abuse them because they are prepared to put up with the abuse in exchange for money and material objects, they should not be questioned ??????

Can't have it both ways. Sounds like a pretty unfair stance on men, where women are not held accountable for their actions.

What do you mean by questioned?

If we are talking about judging a behaviour, the truth is everyone is free to do it.

It is like a player that is a womaniser, people judge them.and question their work ethic in many cases.

But is it a criminal act that an action needs to be made? Answer is no. She is just doing a stupid shit to herself.
A man who does abuse a woman, is hurting someone.

Now, if that woman helps in the man abusing women, like Oprah for example. Or she herself abuses other women or men, an action is needed.


Senior Member
Regarding Greenwood:

He is an amazing player, but tye case against him is rock solid and the PR backlash of getting him at top club will be massive.
After Alves case, Barca can't be too careful with this.


Senior Member
If I recall, there were tapes, recordings, and videos. Clear as it comes.

If a girl decides to stay in an abusive relationship, doesn't mean the relationship's no longer abusive. Or that it never was. For her sake, hope it's in the past.

It's nobody's business to interfere with couple issues if the persons involved are willing to work things out. This is not like when children are involved, these are two grown adults that can make their own decisions and live with the consequences.

You cannot force people's choices based on what you think it's good for them. She loves the guy and she decided to give him another chance.

Tapes, recordings, and videos. This shows he was indeed acting abusive. This doesn't prove in the slightest that a person can not decide to still be with a person despite past bad behavior. In the end, people are free to make bad decisions. This is not a totalitarian world where you can force people to make the decisions you want them to.

Full grown adult, decided to give Greenwood another chance despite bad past behavior, move on, until something else happens that changes this state.


Senior Member
When women call men out for abusing them, those men are absolutely castigated and rightly so.

However, when women willingly stay with men that abuse them because they are prepared to put up with the abuse in exchange for money and material objects, they should not be questioned ??????

Can't have it both ways. Sounds like a pretty unfair stance on men, where women are not held accountable for their actions, but men are.

Backlash is more severe if it's tied to harmful behavior to others. It's normal to face that if you're hitting women. I don't see how the girl should face similar backlash just for being maybe a bit stupid and naive. Not nearly the same.

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
What do you mean by questioned?

If we are talking about judging a behaviour, the truth is everyone is free to do it.

It is like a player that is a womaniser, people judge them.and question their work ethic in many cases.

But is it a criminal act that an action needs to be made? Answer is no. She is just doing a stupid shit to herself.
A man who does abuse a woman, is hurting someone.

Now, if that woman helps in the man abusing women, like Oprah for example. Or she herself abuses other women or men, an action is needed.

When women are accepting being abused by men then they are perpetuating abuse by men. It significantly hurts the cause for equality for women. It is NOT as bad as the man doing the abusing, but it is absolutely worthy of social criticism.

The idea that a woman who accepts being abused for money and status should not be held accountable is absurd. That choice has considerable detrimental effects on society and it is choices like that which will embolden footballers to treat women as poorly as they do.

In the same way porn stars are NOT as bad as rapists. However, porn stars need to take considerable criticism for their choices because their actions perpetuate rape and violence towards women.


Senior Member
Is Jamaica and UK located in Africa?
Negroes are pretty much the same anywhere. Will hardly find "feminist" there. They treat woman like property or whore the same way as muslims. It's just petty western librul mussing to expect them live by Western leftist values. How about respecting their "culture" like it is usually preached to us from moral high ground of librul clergy?


Senior Member
The idea that a woman who accepts being abused for money and status should not be held accountable is absurd. That choice has considerable detrimental effects on society and it is choices like that which will embolden footballers to treat women as poorly as they do.

You're just assuming that she does this only for money and status. The other possibility is that she loves the guy. Fact is only she can make the decision and other people can only gossip about the reasons behind it.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
Don't know what happened but normal women like rough sex and enjoy being dominated.
many of them do but not to the extent of bruises and hits. Only a very low minority is into that. And even if they are into it we are free to call out such behavior because it's immoral, like a rape kink.

So Greenwood is scum and don't want him anywhere near Barca.

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