Mesut Ozil


Barçapocalypse NOW!
He has a habit a choking in big games... And how is Wenger to blame, most of the time, the players on the pitch decide who takes penalties...

Anyway, any keeper would have saved that penalty, his shot was terrible! He did everything wrong in that penalty!


Lemon curry?
He has a habit a choking in big games... And how is Wenger to blame, most of the time, the players on the pitch decide who takes penalties...

Anyway, any keeper would have saved that penalty, his shot was terrible! He did everything wrong in that penalty!

Wenger said he picked him over Cazorla and Sagna. Bad decision against Neuer. His pks always look like that, usually go in too.

It wasn't choking/bottling, looked up for it & very dangerous until the pk, just like against Liverpool in the cup. Clearly had to do with missing that & having to defend after going down to 10 men.
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so you guys still laughing at Madrid for selling him for a fortune?

lol. was so shit today. i don't even know what to say.. lazy, indulgent, unfocused, selfish.


Professor Balthazar

The funny part was that Robben and 'The Professor' had an argument about this. A week later Bayern got another PK and Pep said that Robben should take it, but Robben just shook his head and looked angry at Pep thinking like "don't you tell me what to do"!


Blue Blooded Aussie
The evidence of him being poor in big games piles up even more. Great footballing ability but he needs to step it up, for real.


ze special one


New member
Very harsh criticism lately. Ruthless articles about him everywhere I look.

He had a great start, missed a penalty and he obviously couldn't stop thinking about it. But overall, it was a decent performance in the first half.

He should have been brought off in the second half, yes. But apparently, Chamberlain picked up a knock and had to be subbed. And that was the last sub. The result was some very disappointing defensive work from him but he was hardly bought to play like a second fullback. He tried but he couldn't deal with all the overlapping because his mind was obviously elsewhere. So yes, in that sense, he bottled it.

He's not been a disappointment in big games for Arsenal though. In fact, he's shown some signs of returning back to top form lately. Excellent performance against Liverpool just a few days ago.


Lemon curry?
Not much he could do in the Bayern game after being one man down with next to no possession and having to defend, with Wilshere and Flamini creating nothing behind him. Also was great until the penalty. After that confidence went + stupid circumstances + being knackered, guy played 3 90-minutes matches in one week against Liverpool, United and Bayern, and didn't get much rest before that either.
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