Mesut Ozil


The Observer
Doesn't change the fact that your entire hierarchy is full of transfer muppets that buy players for the sake of it. Wether or not you got 45millions, you created a situation where your second best player was being relegated to the bench for a shiny new toy and an overrated flat track bully that cost you 100 million.

Those transfers allowed the club to top the money league and revenue and managed to cut the transfer spending by 40 % as we sold players in the last decade for 400 Million Euro
Personally our second best player after Ronaldo was Varane & Xabi... as i said Ozil is a great player but with limitations we know it because we see it week in week out and you cule's see it too... go into this thread and see the exact same weakness mentioned over & over (he is invisible , nowhere to be seen etc , or the famous play the wings ) ..We want more and Isco provided that so did Modric in his new role
50 Million Euro is more than triple what we paid for him and with the lack of time available and his own good it's better he leaves and no Bale is much better that Ozil , no brainer here

El Gato

I think this post sums up exactly how I feel.

It's quite disrespectful towards Oezil to just write him off now that he wants to leave. He was undoubtedly the heart of your midfield and provided killer assists to Ronaldo and Benzema.

I would be glad if Oezil leaves and goes to a team where fans will respect and love his talents much more than the Madridistas.

What can we do if he wants to leave? If he wants to leave and there is a mahoosive offer, why turn it down? He's not irreplaceable and we have other players to step into his boots. Would he take being a bench player? If the rumors are untrue, we will see if he keeps to the words he said 3 days ago. If not then he is the fool.

No one is ungrateful. His assists were of immense value to Cristiano and the rest of the forwards and we'll continue to respect his input.

I'm closer to believing it will be Di Maria who's going to leave. They are both talented players, but of the two I think Ozil has more of a shot at getting into rotation. Espesh since there is no rotation player for Isco if he leaves.


The Observer
What can we do if he wants to leave? If he wants to leave and there is a mahoosive offer, why turn it down? He's not irreplaceable and we have other players to step into his boots. Would he take being a bench player? If the rumors are untrue, we will see if he keeps to the words he said 3 days ago. If not then he is the fool.

No one is ungrateful. His assists were of immense value to Cristiano and the rest of the forwards and we'll continue to respect his input.

I'm closer to believing it will be Di Maria who's going to leave. They are both talented players, but of the two I think Ozil has more of a shot at getting into rotation. Espesh since there is no rotation player for Isco if he leaves.

They say Modric up , Xabi-Illarra behind
Cristiano wants Di Maria so is Carlo ... i don't think he will be leaving especially that he offer a lot more defensively and upfront + speed


Senior Member
What can we do if he wants to leave? If he wants to leave and there is a mahoosive offer, why turn it down? He's not irreplaceable and we have other players to step into his boots. Would he take being a bench player? If the rumors are untrue, we will see if he keeps to the words he said 3 days ago. If not then he is the fool.

No one is ungrateful. His assists were of immense value to Cristiano and the rest of the forwards and we'll continue to respect his input.

I'm closer to believing it will be Di Maria who's going to leave. They are both talented players, but of the two I think Ozil has more of a shot at getting into rotation. Espesh since there is no rotation player for Isco if he leaves.

From the few Madridistas I know, they are more inclined towards Isco starting than Ozil. I find this disrespectful towards Ozil since Isco is nowhere near as proven as him.

Ozil has done it in the biggest stages and I'm sure he realized that he would play less than half the matches with the bundle of midfielders RM got this summer.

RM are basically revamping their whole squad this year and indirectly implying towards Ozil and Di Maria to fuk off.

El Gato

Dude, that's a generalisation. Whoever he passes to in Madrid or for Germany is an achievement of its own. He scores and assists. That's not the issue. The issues were outlined well by Beast. Disappearing in games, not always showing up for a big one, fitness etc.. There is a reason why some people want him benched over Isco.


New member
"A player leaves, All of a sudden he's not good enough, Has so many flaws" cliche, Definitely a classic.
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Wild Man of Borneo
I don't get how some people are still ridiculing Beast's and Wolfe's comments after they thoroughly explained themselves.

Ozil's eye for a final pass is almost unrivaled, he can rack up assists with ease and excels in that category. However he has always been lacking in other categories such as buildup play, stamina, and most importantly staying consistent. Just because a player provides highlight reel moments and can boast a bunch of shiny stats doesn't mean that he's perfect.

Isco provides all of this, and he's younger too. Don't pull out the "he's not proven argument" out of the blue as if that holds any weight. What do you think will happen because of his age, he suddenly wakes up one day and starts sucking? No, he's shown that he can handle la liga and the CL, looks even more ready to do it this season, and he will develop much more as a player over the years.

Selling Ozil won't be easy because he is a great player, but it's not a completely unreasonable move. Having CR-Isco-Bale with Jese and Di Maria as rotation players will work well.


I don't get how some people are still ridiculing Beast's and Wolfe's comments after they thoroughly explained themselves.

Ozil's eye for a final pass is almost unrivaled, he can rack up assists with ease and excels in that category. However he has always been lacking in other categories such as buildup play, stamina, and most importantly staying consistent. Just because a player provides highlight reel moments and can boast a bunch of shiny stats doesn't mean that he's perfect.

Isco provides all of this, and he's younger too. Don't pull out the "he's not proven argument" out of the blue as if that holds any weight. What do you think will happen because of his age, he suddenly wakes up one day and starts sucking? No, he's shown that he can handle la liga and the CL, looks even more ready to do it this season, and he will develop much more as a player over the years.

Selling Ozil won't be easy because he is a great player, but it's not a completely unreasonable move. Having CR-Isco-Bale with Jese and Di Maria as rotation players will work well.

I can't believe that Madrid are selling Ozil tbh. It ranks along the sales of Robben , Wesley S and VDV to name but a few .


SSN reported a few hours ago that Arsenal were in advanced talks with Ozil.

He's going to be freaking awesome for them, excited to see how he links up with Cazorla.


New member
RM are basically revamping their whole squad this year and indirectly implying towards Ozil and Di Maria to fuk off.

I'd like to see what happens to CR after his waterboys Ozil and Di Maria leave RM. It looks like he is already struggling to score, when nobody is feeding him the ball as previously. Hope everything goes just as planned. :tito:


The Observer
From the few Madridistas I know, they are more inclined towards Isco starting than Ozil. I find this disrespectful towards Ozil since Isco is nowhere near as proven as him.

Ozil has done it in the biggest stages and I'm sure he realized that he would play less than half the matches with the bundle of midfielders RM got this summer.

RM are basically revamping their whole squad this year and indirectly implying towards Ozil and Di Maria to fuk off.

Unproven ?

You make it like Isco just came from Castilla second division not he was one of the main if not the main stars for taking Malaga for the first time in their history to the last 8 in the champions league... not that he excelled vs the likes of Milan and Zenit & facilitated Malaga to top their group Unbeaten and played brilliantly against Dortmund & were a CORRECT decision away from reach the last 4 ahead of Borussia Dortmund of all teams and being his top team assist in the process
I won't even go into the under 23 World cup


New member
Arsenal will be title contenders with ozil....Midfield trio of Ozil,Carzola and Walcott can match Chelsea's trio of Hazard,Oscar and Mata?/Schurrle and they have a striker who is on form and their central midfield options are also better than Chelsea's...........


Arsenal need more than just a Ozil to fight for the titles. United, Chelsea and City will still be ahead of 'em.


New member
That would be the case ideally but this season all of those teams are playing like S***.....and they will definitely sign more than ozil..their starting XI will be match for anyone and they already have foundations in place unlike spurs and chelsea who are trying to change their style of play

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