Nemanja Matic


Busi comes into professional football when tiki taka is introduced, plays in best team ever -> Busi = boss.
Barça start declining, entire team drops in level and so does Busi -> Busi was only good because of tiki taka.

:lol: gotta love some people. So much flawed logic.


Senior Member
Not only Busquets, as you can probably see. Not even Messi. It's not that we don't play proper tiki-taka anymore. We are a wreck without a clear game plan and objectives. Not even the best player in history can feel comfortable at the moment.

In my opinion, Busquets in Bayern or Chelsea would be one of the best players.

Messi is almost the same as before, not quite the goalscorer as before, but otherwise the same. Messi can work anywhere, he is that good. Busquets only works properly in tiki taka as a dm. I didnt say he couldnt work in a different role in another system, but as a "normal" dm he isnt really very good.


Messi the same? He should be absolutely running riot at his absolute peak right now but instead he's being isolated by rookie tactics.


Senior Member
Messi the same as before? You have no idea what you are talking about.

I said he is almost the same, not quite the level he used to have, but not far off. Thats my opinion. I dont know how you and linetty read "almost the same = the same"-
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It's not even almost the same. Your argument about Busquets makes zero sense to me either. I think you watch too much Real Madrid.


Senior Member
It's not even almost the same. Your argument about Busquets makes zero sense to me either. I think you watch too much Real Madrid.

What i think about Busquets? Very good player in your system, but he never had the same briliance as Messi, Iniesta, Alves or Xavi, thats my opinion. If you had kept Toure instead you would probably won the same as you did anyway.


High Definition Member
We would t have been as successful with yaya. Also Matic in our team would look average. That's just the way football works.

Busquets at bayern would be immense.


New member
We would t have been as successful with yaya. Also Matic in our team would look average. That's just the way football works.

Busquets at bayern would be immense.

I disagree.. Yeah he would look great all season as they walk the Bundesliga again. Then if they played someone like RM in CL again he would get massively exposed when defending as he does for us. What makes you think he would be "immense" at DM for Bayern over someone like Lahm or Schweinsteiger?


Incredible player! easily the best DM in the PL since Makelele


New member
So was Carrick for United. But Matic is even better, he's unreal. Combines the tactical intelligence of Busquets with a more physical approach.

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