Neymar Jr. - v5


He did tell the club. There are multiple reports that he told the club he was leaving before he came back from his holiday. They choose to play tough-ball and now we are suffering because of this. Things like this take ages to do, every big transfer takes months to compete. Pogba, Bale , Ronaldo all went on for all summer, its how these things work. I'm more angry with the club and its stupid stance at 'hes not for sale' and changing that so late in the window for us to get a replacement. The club left us with no time to find a replacement. Not Neymar.

So you'd rather have sold him earlier for say €150M instead of demanding the buyout?


San Claudio Bravo
Oh ffs guys. has a player never left Barca before? You guys are acting like he did something dispicable. There are like 3 teams in a the world who could pay his release clause and only 1 not named Barca or Madrid. Either you admit that youre hurt because he was such an important player for us, but dont act like hes some money grabbing guy who doesnt have any loyalty. He could have went to any club in the world in 2013 and is probably the most sought after player in the world.

If hes already leaving, can you blame him for accepting the highest wage? So what if he gets payed an insane amount? None of this matters to us anymore, Barca's not paying his wage. It doesnt stop us from increasing someone else's wage. We can now even increase Messi's wage. The way I see it, players come and go all the time, heck even Messi will eventually leave. Hes not Messi, he doesnt owe us as much as Messi does. Messi has everything he wants at Barca, Neymar doesnt. This is his life, could we stop trying to dictate that with our own personal agendas?

First of all, that comment was tongue in cheek, not to be taken seriously.

Secondly, people need to stop with this "PSG paid his release, Neymar did nothing wrong" horsecrap. Not only is a player complicity when a release clause is in play, there is plenty of evidence supporting the fact that the Neymars conspired behind Barca's back to get PSG in this and they are squeezing every single penny they can from both sides. On top of the fact Neymar's handling of this situation leaves a lot to be desired.

Fans deserve to be angry and vexed at this situation and Neymar deserve criticism for it.

Get out of here with your normalizing very shady and disloyal behavior.
On Ligue 1? Absolutely not, have no time to that shit and I rather occupy myself watching Vasco (Brasileirão) and Barcelona (La Liga). The same way Coutinho (a Vasco product) is my favorite player other than Messi and I don't waste my time watching Liverpool (LOL) or EPL (EWW).

Champions League maybe because I already watch some matches besides the Barça ones, like most here probably do.

I support Barça way before than Neymar signing for us, it goes back to Vasco losing the Intercontinental Cup to Real back in 1998 and Rivaldo playing for us in 1999, I was 11-12 years old and my dad onwed a restaurant with a rare to get satellite TV (DirecTV IIRC), which helped me a lot to grow appreciation for Barça.

Yes, I did register myself here in the forum around the time he came to Barcelona, but that was when I found out about the website, so what could I do? Travel back in time to register earlier and "prove" I am a genuine Barça fan? Sorry, can't do that and even if I could, I owe no shit to anyone here.

Anyway, since the end of the last season I have been spending less time writing here, just lurking, because I don't like certain things that happen and seem to be allowed here, like xenophobic and racist rants against Brazilians in general or the constant lack of respect and unnecessary provocations from "certain folks", against people they consider to be "less fans" than them.

It's a shame, because in theory we should all empathize with each other for the simple fact of supporting the very same club (be it for a long time or for a short time, be it for real or because a single player - Messi, Neymar, Suarez, you name it).

In this regard I find /r/Barca on Reddit to be a friendlier place, probably because aggressive/provocative posts are buried by downvotes.

I just hope the things I dislike here goes away together with Neymar. Let's wait and see.

fair enough, i also took a big step back for mostly the same reasons, though in different circumstances.


New member
Absolute power corrupts absolutely

At PSG, Neymar will be untouchable. He'll be bigger than their club and have a part in everything they do, signings, coaches, going off to party with his sister in Brazil, etc.

Looking forward to see how he does when he doesn't have people assigned to him to protect him from that shit, or have senior players who would put him down when necessary, as it was here in Barca.

Yes if Unzue already questioned his professionalism despite him having historic heavyweights in the locker room to keep him in check I can't imagine whats going to happen he and the Toiss clan are set free in Paris. Alves might be the only person who can influence him there and even that is a stretch since Neymar is the man now. He wants be be the best but its questionable if he has the drive of a Messi or Cristiano needed to get there. Coasting in the league and messing about won't challenge him either so its hard to see him improving as much as he could have.
Why are you back? :lol:

Honestly 95% of your posts are just fighting with other members and the first thing you do after making a new account is try to goad me. Just get a life man. You were rightfully banned and keep up this attitude and your days here are numbered.

I was banned of my own volition for reasons that have nothing to do with Neymar or my attitude towards you lot. I know you can't fight the urge to say dishonest things, because that's what you do. Neymar really did let you down big time though hasn't he :lol:

You were banned?

Are you TornandFrayed?

yes and yes. Got fed up with the way the place is run, got what was coming.


It's been repeated a million times.

It's not that he left, it's the WAY HE LEFT.

Had Neymar told Barca in June that he and his father were planning to leave, and that he would pay his buyout early July, then it would have given the club a lot of time to sign players without other teams knowing we have 222m in the bank to fleece us.

He's left now, 2nd of August. With some teams' season starting this weekend, and others' within the next couple of weeks. Now we'll not only get fleeced, but teams might reject the money because they would have no time to find a replacement.

There is nothing wrong with the way he left.
What if PSG got in touch all of a sudden, after the Barca/Verratti saga? Knowing Nasser, I wouldn't put it beyond him to go this far for revenge.....
You guys sound like he should have come out and said. . . . Yeah I am negotiating with PSG, but if things fail to materialize, then I will stay with Barca.
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Senior Member

Neymar's entourage are mad that Barto isn't picking up the phone nor received any messages from him. Guess Barto isn't interested in negotiating with PSG.


Active member
You shouldn't make uniformed statements so readily then.

Yeah well I am not a machine who is constantly updated about everything neymar or barca related. I am a human who can make mistakes. You shouldn't be telling me to stay informed or get insults instead of being corrected. But thanks for your suggestion.

For a transfer this big and complicated, and with very little knowledge available to us and most stuff invisible behind the scenes, I wouldn't call this right or wrong and I definitely wouldn't call this purely a monetary driven move. He made a stupid move and indulged in wrongdoings though but I am inclined to believe thats a kind of necessarry evil in modern football.

He has his brazilian hooligans there are and a 'main man' image which appeals to him more than money. Its not like he is earning peanuts here is he?


New member
He did tell the club. There are multiple reports that he told the club he was leaving before he came back from his holiday. They choose to play tough-ball and now we are suffering because of this. Things like this take ages to do, every big transfer takes months to compete. Pogba, Bale , Ronaldo all went on for all summer, its how these things work. I'm more angry with the club and its stupid stance at 'hes not for sale' and changing that so late in the window for us to get a replacement. The club left us with no time to find a replacement. Not Neymar.

This is the most ridiculous thing I've read in this thread since "why can't we be happy for Neymar", also by you.


Senior Member
I always find it interesting how the people that defend Neymar can say "He's getting this..." or "He has the right..." or "He wants this..." Yet in their posts it's all front Neymar's personal gain perspective.

Not a single mention of how unprofessionally he has acted and the amount of damage he has inflicted into our team 1 month before the start of the season.


Senior Member
I was banned of my own volition for reasons that have nothing to do with Neymar or my attitude towards you lot. I know you can't fight the urge to say dishonest things, because that's what you do. Neymar really did let you down big time though hasn't he :lol:

yes and yes. Got fed up with the way the place is run, got what was coming.

Haha who got what was coming?

Dont think anyone batted an eyelid at you leaving in a huff.


New member

Neymar's entourage are mad that Barto isn't picking up the phone nor received any messages from him. Guess Barto isn't interested in negotiating with PSG.

How long till they are angry Nassser won't talk to them about a Chinese league offer? He has the worst entourage in the sport bar none.


President of FC Barcelona
There is nothing wrong with the way he left.
What if PSG got in touch all of a sudden, after the Barca/Verratti saga? Knowing Nasser, I wouldn't put it beyond him to go this far for revenge.....
You guys sound like he should have come out and said. . . . Yeah I am negotiating with PSG, but if things fail to materialize, then I will stay with Barca.

Except everyone in Paris and Barcelona saying it was Neymar Sr. who contacted PSG first.

Never said he should have gone public, but some decency in telling the club would have been nice, don't you think?

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