Neymar Jr. - v5


New member
Don't think he would have left if we paid him 700k a week.

He's as much of a rat as Bartomeu is, as is his dad. Still don't think he should be complaining with how the board bent over backwards for him and his dad. Messi, on the other hand, most certainly should be, considering that over the course of Neymar's stay at Barca, his dad earned more from us than Messi did.

I'm not delusional enough to deny that he's a brilliant player though. Probably the second best in the world. Definitely the second most talented. I'm glad Madrid won't get their hands on this cunt any time soon. Still :lol:ing at people who actually wanted him gone.
Agree 100%
Not for money, he won a lot of money with Barca. And he seems to face some severe issues with the board.

He left because he wants to be the NUMBER ONE. He wants to win Ballon d'Or. he wants to have all liberty to play like he wants, like Messi plays. After only two matches, i can say that he is another player in Paris. He plays like he does with Brazil. He is already the boss of the team. Which he won't be with Barca. Next months and next year will show that he took the right decision.

It's 50% that, and it's 50% money if we're being honest.

Exactly. 50/50. He follows the lead of NBA players. He wants to be the best but also the best paid, that's how American athletes operate. He wouldn't achieve either playing alongside Messi. But he was not a great fit for Barça, so with the ideal replacement plus a midfielder Barça can do better without him.


New member
FIFPRO officially supports Neymar against Barcelona.

« Neymar pourra s’appuyer sur la FifPro s’il le souhaite. Une fois encore le système des transferts dont l’absurdité ne peut plus échapper aujourd’hui à personne. Ce sont ceux qui profitent de ce système -après l’avoir détourné à leur seul profit avec la complicité de la Fifa-, qui aujourd’hui veulent lui tordre le cou. Les dirigeants du FC Barcelone, réagissent comme l’ensemble de leurs collègues dès lors qu’ils se font prendre à leur propre jeu. Et voilà donc que l’arroseur arrosé s’en prend au système qu’il a lui-même dévoyé ! »

Philippe Piat.

I will not translate it entirely.

In short, FIFPRO are calling out Barcelona FC for being a bunch of losers that don't know how to lose when they lose at their own game (in the transfer system).



o Fenômeno
i still believe it was mostly about money and this 'leader stepping out of Messi's shadow' spin works with this situation so the football romantics in us can believe its all about the beautiful game.

I could be wrong ofcourse and i will say I saw some of the game in his debut and everything was going through him which he could never have here. time will tell though as the CL is where PSG and his legacy will be tested.
It's not even for football romantics sake, both money and being a leader fit in with Neymar self interests lol.


New member
FIFPRO officially supports Neymar against Barcelona.

I will not translate it entirely.

In short, FIFPRO are calling out Barcelona FC for being a bunch of losers that don't know how to lose when they lose at their own game (in the transfer system).


Who wrote that?, It looks like the ramblings and rants of a 13 year old, Not a statement of an apparently international organization.
No laws or regulations were cited in the statement as a legal ground that side with neymar, Just them saying "Oooh sore losers FCB, Suck it, Go tell you mommy".
Dumb cu*ts
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Active member
We are well shot of this waster. If someone had said that this year we would have Dembele instead of him i would have been delighted. We will be stronger without the greedy diving cheat.


New member
Neymar asking cavani weather he can take the penalty himself and get's turned down in a cold way, With the tweet saying "It's ok Neymar, Just think of all the money and you'll forget this embarrassing exchange"

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="ar" dir="rtl">عادي نيمار، فكر بالفلوس و تنسى الموقف المحرج ��<br> <a href=""></a></p>— Mazinho™ (@FCBinsider) <a href="">August 26, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Sorry dipshit, This isn't barca and this isn't messi where he gives you penalties out of unselfishness, Appearentely the same guy accused of stealing your limelight. :lol:
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New member
Neymar asking cavani weather he can take the penalty himself and get's turned down in a cold way, With the tweet saying "It's ok Neymar, Just think of all the money and you'll forget this embarrassing exchange"

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="ar" dir="rtl">عادي نيمار، فكر بالفلوس و تنسى الموقف المحرج ��<br> <a href=""></a></p>— Mazinho™ (@FCBinsider) <a href="">August 26, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Sorry dipshit, This isn't barca and this isn't messi where he gives you penalties out of selfishness, Appearentely the same guy accused of stealing your limelight. :lol:

Well, he went to PSG for personal glory and money, can't be mad at others who joined the club of mercenaries for the same reasons LMAO.


Well-known member
Neymar asking cavani weather he can take the penalty himself and get's turned down in a cold way, With the tweet saying "It's ok Neymar, Just think of all the money and you'll forget this embarrassing exchange"

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="ar" dir="rtl">عادي نيمار، فكر بالفلوس و تنسى الموقف المحرج ��<br> <a href=""></a></p>— Mazinho™ (@FCBinsider) <a href="">August 26, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Sorry dipshit, This isn't barca and this isn't messi where he gives you penalties out of unselfishness, Appearentely the same guy accused of stealing your limelight. :lol:

Haha. I have to admit I enjoy seeing that. Messi should have taken all those penalties during the years..

I just don't see how PSG could ever be a "team". Team of mercenaries maybe, but that's about it. It has to hurt them at some point.

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