What's the issue with locals? Is it hard to get to Montjuic?(NOT REALLY IMO) I mean if that's too much for you, you shouldn't be a socio IMO. Lazy *******.
Give all the tickets to tourists then.
It's just another example of the Socios not giving two shits about the club.
They are the enemy within. They need to be taken out, but they have all the power and will dismiss anyone who doesn't immediately bend to their will. It's a vicious circle.
Barca are being left behind in the stone age. And for what? These Socios, who do nothing but exploit the club.
If you are going to be remotely competitive as a member club, you need to have members who care deeply about the club. Barca clearly don't have that.
Maybe going bust is not such a bad thing. If we can get rid of the Socios and get sold to a big player? Bring it on.