Surely if you're buying Neymar, you sell Tello not Cuenca?
I prefer Tello over Cuenca any day.
Surely if you're buying Neymar, you sell Tello not Cuenca?
If I am getting this correctly, some people on here are trying to say something approximately on the lines of: We do not really need Neymar, because we have Cuenca, Deulofeu and Ebwelle...
Because football, as you like to say to others, is not a videogame where you shove as many fancy dribblers together as possible. "Oh, Villa's rating dropped from 90 to 87? Better drop his ass!"
Can you believe people here would consider selling Pedro and/or Villa for Neymar?
Mind Boggling.
BTW Ducde you know right that my mother's side of the family is from Guyana, in South America. I have nothing against their football.
I just don't think Neymar is worth the hassle for you lot. It is nothing against any supposed hatred of brazilian/south american football. It is all to do with that I think he is all style with no substance.
Whilst (maybe not you) others are considering selling vastly better team players in Pedro and Villa to sign that guy.
IMO if you do that you may get a better individual but I guarantee it will weaken your team.
Neymar: "This rivalry Messi and Neymar doesnt exist. Messi is above all. After the match, I said that Messi is the best in the world. what he is doing is exceptional, amazing and I hope he continues like this. Today, I still see myself as a fan and I'm happy with every match he plays that way."
You have Villa replacement in Tello and Cuenca plus Pedro can play in that role too...
Plus Vlla is only 30. He has a good 3-4 years left at the highest level. It's not like his career is winding down.
So just because you happen to be Columbian (not Brazilian) you fell that you are more qualified to judge whether a league is useless or not?
It's funny most experts that follow both the Brazilian league and the top European leagues tend to agree with my opinion and the opinion shared by people who follow both leagues closely (La Furia, Flavia etc.)
And what does WAY INFERIOR mean? Compared to what exatly? Care to elaborate?
No but you somehow fell the need to compare Neymar with Tello and Cuenca (much less proven players)
Neymar IS as proven as he can be without playing in Europe. He plays in a league that is better than all European league apart from the 5 big leagues (Seria A, La Liga, PL, Bundesliga, Ligue 1) the Copa Libertadores (which is similar to the EuropaLeague if not better) and he has already scored 8 goals in 15 matches for one of the best national teams and certainly the most prestigious national team.
Apart from that you need to start from somewhere. I am glad that the scouts who discovered Ronaldo, Rivaldo, Ronaldinho etc. and brougth them to Europe did not have the same mentality as you.
Well that's what I mean (and what I wrote and always have written). Nobody knows what the future will tell.
Just as well as you don't know what Neymar will cost or whether he will be worth his price.
I would like to hear why you think that he would not fit into our team.
Surely if you're buying Neymar, you sell Tello not Cuenca?