Hatem Ben Arfa
New member
Newcastle is my one true love. Barca my sexy mistress on the side 
"Could Neymar join us this summer? He has a contract with Santos until 2014. He will stay at his club," Bartomeu stated to RAC1.
A few weeks ago you were saying that Messi is the best..what happend since then that changed your mind? And who are these people that are claiming that Neymar will be better then Messi? All I've seen these days is that Cristiano is the best again.
At which Barca team to you reffer too? To the one, that if it weren't for Messi's goals, would have finished below Valencia, uncapable of beating Levante or Racing?
Wow..Watch out Pele!!!
His haircut is really annoying. He flops like a girl half the time I see him playing and when he actually gets hit, most of the time it's because he runs right into trouble like a jack ass. The other half of the time he is brilliant.
In all honesty I won't lose any sleep if we don't sign him.
I assume we would put him on a new diet and send him to the gym to gain muscle and toughen up. He could be much more effective with more strength.
don't want Dave forced out
I think that's why Pep and Tito threw up their hands in the dugout after he scored his second. Kind of like to say, "shit now what do we do with him?!?!"The actual worry is Pedro.
I don't think Pep or Tito want Neymar,its only Rosell who wants Neymar.I think that's why Pep and Tito threw up their hands in the dugout after he scored his second. Kind of like to say, "shit now what do we do with him?!?!"
You're assuming that he will force big Dave out. But that's actually not the biggest worry. Villa is 30 (will be 31 this year). Realistically he has 2 or maximum 3 more seasons in him as a starter at the highest level for a club like Barcelona. Assuming that Neymar will arrive around 2014 and not this year, he won't clash with David at all. The actual worry is Pedro. You don't buy Alexis for almost € 40 million and Neymar for even more than that and then leave them on the bench. Plus Cuenca. And Tello. And Deulofeu. Especially Deulofeu will be a "problem" if he develops as expected. He has by far the biggest potential of all our cantera wingers. If he doesn't do a "Bojan", he'll become a world beater. And then there is Dongou as well who might also compete for a starting spot in our front line in a few years (albeit being a #9). If all our canteras don't flop, we might have Pedro, Alexis, Neymar, Deulofeu, Dongou, Tello, Cuenca for 2 positions. Maybe Rafinha as well as a false 9. And maybe some "surprises" (like Pedro). I have no clue why we would need to splash shitloads of money for Neymar when we are not only pretty much settled upfront (Messi, Alexis, Pedro with Afellay, Tello, Cuenca as second choices is among the best forward lines in the world already if everyone is fit and in form as we've seen on Friday) but when additionally our academy is also producing shitloads of talented youngstars.