Neymar - v2

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Puyol the wall

There is no point I am trying to make but looks like no one can criticize a player from another team as soon as we do so guys come in and compare the player to Barca players and think its cool to criticize people.



what is your point?

Messi has admitted to jumping out of the way of hard tackles. Something similar to what Neymar came out and said in an interview.

It would be hypocritical not to acknowledge this like the other poster said to you earlier.

Jumping away from a tackle is one thing, going down and crying for the medical staff every time is another thing entirely.

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
I think the point the other poster was making is that the manner of the criticism was holier than thou and selective amnesia when it comes to acknowledging that Barca players have in the past been divers.


was Messi not milking it against Chelsea and Del Horno? he was writhing around like he had had his front teeth knocked out.

You realize you're grasping at straws here right? 1-2 Incidents are nothing compared to what Neymar is doing.

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
You realize you're grasping at straws here right? 1-2 Incidents are nothing compared to what Neymar is doing.

I'm not grasping at straws. It actually happened. I'm sure you were watching that particular Chelsea Barca game when it did. There is no denying that he was, to use your words 'milking it'. Afterwards he came out and gave a very similar excuse that Neymar came out and gave.

I'm not saying Messi does/did it with a frequency anywhere near Neymar. I'm just acknowledging that it happened after someone questioned what similar incidents there have been with Barca players after they were labelled a hypocrite by another poster.


Active member
Time to defend Neymar
Neymar on the radio to a reporter right now: "When it hurts, I fall down. I didn't dive, you're talking nonsense, but it's all right."
(Original: "Quando dói, eu caio. Eu não me atirei, cê tá falando besteira, mas tá tranquilo.")



messi must be the worst player eva judging by the clip posted above. thanks you for opening my eyes finally! i will go to neymar bandwagon until somebody else post another video about somebody else.


The ref in the GB game had the objective of getting injuries on the Brazil team. This was the only realistic objective the GB team could aspire to, they did not belong on the field with Brazil actually playing football. GB needed more than the ref on their side.

You need real refs to make it a sport, rather than just a crippling contest. When Neymar gets fouled, the ref has to call it. He gets fouled so much because of his moves and his aggressiveness. Since he is among the smallest players by weight among top players worldwide, he is going to fly through the air more than most. Trying to avoid the worst of the contact is only prudent.


New member
Wow, I can't believe people actually want him in the team.
Hope Madrid buys him ( they have the money) so all Sandro forgets about this shithead.

And forget the diving and the overhiping, THE single most important thing is his hair.
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