Neymar - v2

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New member
With Messi, Neymar, Iniesta, Alexis and company the amount of raw dribbling talent we would possess would just be... terrifying. What defense wouldn't shit their pants at a lineup like that.

I'm not that conviced about that. We first have to see neymar playing in Europe, if he can be the same player he is now in Brazil ofcourse, that would be very positive to the football and to Barcelona.


Active member
Well always look to national team performance against European teams to gauge how Neymar will survive. Doesn't seem to be doing too bad against them. I kind of want to see him against Spain though.


New member
watched the first few minutes of the video,too much useless tricks and losing the ball 90% of the time,also 0 composure for the 1st shot


Senior Member
Well always look to national team performance against European teams to gauge how Neymar will survive. Doesn't seem to be doing too bad against them. I kind of want to see him against Spain though.

Great Britain isn't much of a comparison. It's a very weak squad even by our standards, and they haven't been a team since the 1970's. I really didn't find Neymar all that impressive to be honest, a great talent yes, but people calling him a superstar in the making? I'm not seeing it. Let's see how he does when he comes to Europe. I expect him to be more Robinho than Ronaldinho, personally.


Mike the Knife
Neymar hasn't changed much from what I've seen over the past couple of years...Still a bit of a prima donna and still will make even CR blush with his antics but does possess the right combo of speed, skills & flair to be the star player Brasil has longed for since Ronaldinho...I don't, however, see a hard worker and I don't see much of a competitor...Has all the trappings of a circus sideshow peacock rather than a world class footballer...Robinho 2.0, vastly improved but not the savior he's been hyped to be

I'm curious to know what Vickery thinks of the player


Anxiously waiting for the next match
I thought you didn't like him.

as a person... not really, but he is a special footballer. If he can keep his head right he will shine in some lucky team in Europe, for at least 3-4 years (Brasilians dont last EVER)


Professor Balthazar
You guys want Neymar for €60 mil? The Spanish economy disagrees :) Even if Santos wanted about 60 mil (which is about 20-30 mil more than he's actually worth) - the Euro has lost almost 15% to the Brazilian Real over the past 2 months. That makes it about €70 mil today and the euro keeps crashing.
The banks in Spain are on their knees and the unemployment rate is 25% and rising. Don't expect any bigger loans over the nearest future. That 100 billion loan (+ more to come) to Spains government (which will be loaned out to banks to stabilize them) comes with terms and conditions imposed by Zi Germanz. Soon Spain, Greece and Italy will have 2 choices: Neo-Colonized by the Germans and forced to implement some kind of protestantic work ethic, retirement at 70+, no more christmas and summer bonuses, no more siestas, no more black labour market; or they will withdraw/get forced out of EMU and an even bigger crisis awaits them (another option is that economically sound contries like Finland, Denmark etc bails the EMU). You see, either way Spain is in deep shit right now.
Money from TV rights will be the clubs smallest problem. Survival is at top of the list. You think that Barca and Real will dodge the bullet? Think again, the reality of this crisis will catch up to us too. We have 2 choices: sell out more to Qatar foundation/private investors (read oil shejks) who have more money than reason - at the expense of the clubs integrity; or stop wasting money on stupid tranfers and rely even more on La Masia and buy cheaper. In other words - the inflation caused by oil money in European football mixed with the crisis in spain mixed with the shitty Euro is a ticking bomb.
What do I want to say with this post? We can NOT afford Neymar if we don't sell out and Rosell gets half the transfer money from Nike (or other sponsors) or some crazy Arab dude. But who in their right mind would invest in Spain at this point?


ZenI, the Barca economy is not the Spanish economy. With annual revenue getting to half a billion euros, a lot of that from outside Spain, Barca can certainly afford that type of transfer price. With La Masia, they only need to buy about half their players, so the Barca economic model is sustainable. Neymar puts on a show, people want to see him play, a team can profit off of him. The big clubs want shorter league seasons, with fewer teams, so the Champions League can expand. They will make this happen, the gap between the big clubs and all the others will grow.

Barca has been very selective about the fit of their acquisitions since Rosell took over, I'm still not sure they will ever bring in Neymar. The team looks for more than just playing ability, they have to be Barca types.


Professor Balthazar
ZenI, the Barca economy is not the Spanish economy. With annual revenue getting to half a billion euros, a lot of that from outside Spain, Barca can certainly afford that type of transfer price. With La Masia, they only need to buy about half their players, so the Barca economic model is sustainable. Neymar puts on a show, people want to see him play, a team can profit off of him. The big clubs want shorter league seasons, with fewer teams, so the Champions League can expand. They will make this happen, the gap between the big clubs and all the others will grow.

Barca has been very selective about the fit of their acquisitions since Rosell took over, I'm still not sure they will ever bring in Neymar. The team looks for more than just playing ability, they have to be Barca types.

I very well know that our economy can not be compared to the spanish economy. BUT, we still have loans (and we will probably need more loans) - banks are almost bancrupt - sponsors will drop off - investmenst in busineses in spain (including FC Barcelona) will drop - TV revenue deals might get re-negotiated etc etc. Even if our economy is sound, we are a part of the Spanish economy - which atm is in terrible shape. It will affect us, trust me.
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