Neymar - v2

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What makes you so sure that Neymar will be just another average player? Pretty much everything indicates otherwise.

Can you please name those things that indicates why he will be better than all other crappy Brasilians in the last 10 Years?

Crossing to the box where we have Messi and Pedro (1,70 m)?
Dribblings, and yet opponents are not the same as in Brasil?

His crappy defending and workrate?
Hmm, interesting?

Good haircut and teenagers buying a lot of t-shirts? yes, he is better than other Brasilians in that area

i would prefer reus lewandowksi and bale over him anyday

Players already PROVEN in Europe, and NOT in Brasilian league with "funky" defenses


New member
Can you please name those things that indicates why he will be better than all other crappy Brasilians in the last 10 Years?

Crossing to the box where we have Messi and Pedro (1,70 m)?
Dribblings, and yet opponents are not the same as in Brasil?

His crappy defending and workrate?
Hmm, interesting?

Good haircut and teenagers buying a lot of t-shirts? yes, he is better than other Brasilians in that area

Players already PROVEN in Europe, and NOT in Brasilian league with "funky" defenses

Anyway, if he doesn't perform very well, first of all, we'll recover the transfer fee just because the club will sell neymar's t-shirts.
Secondly, we'll sell him to a club like ManCity or PSG just like what Real Madrid did with Robinho.
Honnestly, I think that he will help us a lot in La Liga but not yet in Champions league because he needs to work out a little bit and to progress.

He can't be a "bad" transfer imo because we'll win whatever happen.


New member
Remove Alexis and put Neymar in, do you think it will make any difference?

Probably not, but would Aguero? Maybe, I don't really know. The question is this, is our attack failing against big teams because our wingers are not good enough to make the flase 9 position work? Or is the false 9 position outdated?

I personally think the main solution to our problems is new tactics, i.e. playing Villa/another forward in front of Messi like we did against Milan, of course this means Alves would play pretty much as a right winger so it would be difficult defensively.

Regarding spending money on Neymar and not a CB. I think the Neymar money was set aside last season ( just a rumour which might be false ). Anyway I think the club can find enough money for both, especially if we offload some dead weight.


Anyway, if he doesn't perform very well, first of all, we'll recover the transfer fee just because the club will sell neymar's t-shirts.
Secondly, we'll sell him to a club like ManCity or PSG just like what Real Madrid did with Robinho.
Honnestly, I think that he will help us a lot in La Liga but not yet in Champions league because he needs to work out a little bit and to progress.

He can't be a "bad" transfer imo because we'll win whatever happen.

We probably will not lose money, but we will lose TIME

We will not have Messi forever and in the next 5-6 Seasons while Messi is still "playable", we should try to win as much CLs as we can
Once when Messi will be gone, we will be just "an ordinary big team"

Last Season, we were by far the strongest team in the world, we let CL against Chelsea
This season, we are not the best anymore, we have probably lost CL against Bayern

Next Season, we could fight for the top with the current team and with a new gk, 2 dcs and some proven winger
If we buy Neymar, it is a risky business in terms of Champions league impact and success
Also, we probably will not have money for other players in defense etc.

So, again, it is a huge gamble in this moment
Already proven wingers and Dcs could bring us CLs in the next 3-4-5 Seasons

Funky transfers to sell shirts like Neymar are at best 50:50 risky business

In 2003 and 2004 when Rijkaard came, we were a total crap and we needed to gamble with Ronaldinho and some other "risky" players (Quaresma, who never became great)

Today, our team is not crap and we don't need those risky games like unproven Neymar for 40 Millions

With 3-4 smart and logical moves, we can stay on top for 3-4 Seasons, surely

With Neymar, it is all a gamble
Again, if he turns out to be good, fine
But, what if, what if not?

We will lose time, money and 2-3 Seasons from this awesome generation

(For example, he can be a new Fabregas. either not good enough for the 1st 11. Or we will need to change tactics to suit his style. Or he will never be good enough for big games)

It is not THAT unlikey. It happened already 1000 times with 1000s of similarly hyped and expensive players


New member
Why are people still crying about Neymar and saying they don't want him?

I would prefer Kun or Reus as well but the fact is he's coming so deal with it...

He will probably be a reasonable success anyway, his short passing interplay/build up play is impressive, he isn't anywhere near as selfish as some people like to make out and not only scores but assists regularly, he has great technique and is very skilful, his dribbling is superb and he is a natural goal scorer.

If we don't give him his break in Europe you can guarantee Real, Chelsea, Man City or PSG will...


New member
I know everyone says that Neymar can't play in Barcelona because there'll be a clash of ego's with Messi, but what if it turns out to be one of the craziest partnerships in modern football. What if Messi hands down some of his "power" and responsibility to Neymar. The best of Brazil playing alongside the best of Argentina? We'd be privileged to witness something like that work out. Shaq and Kobe. Jordan-Pippen. Neymar-Messi? Haha maybe I'm just too much of a dreamer.
I don't think you are, there's no reason why it couldn't make our team a lot more dangerous than it is currently. Would take a while to be able to compare them to those pairs but you never know


Senior Member
According to Sport and El mundo deportivo in those days, Barca waaaanted him badly
Everyday for 12 Months before he went to Real, you had 2-3 articles about him, and how he should join Barca (there was a talk in Barca's newspapers how Robinho is actually a fan of Barca and that is how they wanted to attract him to Barca)

About Brasilian league getting stronger today, can you please name me a few Brasilian players since 2003-04' who came directly from Brasilian league and made an impact in Europe?

In fact, can you name any Brasilian who made an impact in Europe since Ronaldinho (I can think only of Pepe and Hulk, maybe)

This is why I can't buy story about "a strong Brasilian league" and about players who are doing "wonders" in that strong league

Anyway, feel free to name me some Brasilian superstars in the last 10 years, and I will surely change my opinion about credibility of Neymar's tricks in that super-strong league

Ok, we won a league even with Pedro and Sanchez, and now we will get a better player to win against teams like Mallorca
So, we were champions without him, and now we paid 40M to be champions again, ok, fine

Let's go to the level up now, teams like Madrid, Bayern and similar
we didn't lose against them because of Pedro, but because of our tactics, pressing and defense

So, there is a chance that now we will not have money for defenders with all money splashed on Neymar

So, let's go back to Bayern:Barca game
Remove Alexis and put Neymar in, do you think it will make any difference?

We will get 2 dribblings more and 5 actions less in which Alexis played defense and where Neymar will not do the same
Will Neymar help to Pique and Bartra in defense?

Anyway, Neymar is not a solution to our problems
And hate to answer a question with another one but b4 2004 how many Brazilians has moved directly to big European clubs and immediately became super stars?b/c All of Ronaldo/Rivaldo/Romario/R10 needed to mover to smaller clubs first b4 going to a bigger clubs
right now a lot of players are making very good impact ,Hernanes joined Lazio and became one of their best Players,Pato too but injuries had hit his career,Lucas and Oscar are having gr8 season ,the last 3 joined really young and considering their age they are doing very well,the fact is that while their was a big time gap between R10 generation and the new one that no Brazilian super star was there is obvious ,but the Brazilian league is now producing more talent ,and they are sticking to them as long as they can while even trying to get new players (pato-Seedorf ,even VV is rumored to be going there )


New member
Santos player Neymar (21), whose contract expired in 2014, has informed Barcelona that he already would want to join them this summer. [ser]


the only good thing about neymar is that when he flops we still make big money with the shirt sales

if he would be a real player he should do the same thing like ronaldo did and go to a smaller club and prove himself but no nike wont let him do that because they dont want to ruin his image

and now that tito will stay nothing will change tactic wise and players like neymar has to settle in and pass the ball sideways and to messi how nice :facepalm:


Active member
the only good thing about neymar is that when he flops we still make big money with the shirt sales

if he would be a real player he should do the same thing like ronaldo did and go to a smaller club and prove himself but no nike wont let him do that because they dont want to ruin his image

and now that tito will stay nothing will change tactic wise and players like neymar has to settle in and pass the ball sideways and to messi how nice :facepalm:

Unless Neymar decides to ignore Tito and hopefully does good?


Calma, calma
Could we please lock this thread until we sign him? For the past 200 pages, the comments have been yo-yoing about the same thing over and over again.
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