Oriol Romeu (loaned to Girona)


Blue Blooded Aussie
There was already plenty anyway. :D I'm interested to find out the truth about this clause business though.


Bomb Dropper
And Big Bernd is still a soci.

Schuster for manager!



Senior Member
He had nothing really to do to be honest. Wigan were playing very deep, and the few times they launched a counter they did so on the wings. He didn't really put a foot wrong, but didn't do anything to impress either.


I read that Pep is willing to part with Keite and bring back Oriol... idk what to think


Cardenal de Catalunya
I read that Pep is willing to part with Keite and bring back Oriol... idk what to think

I read something of that sort as well while skimming through Marca.

However, that doesn't make any bloody sense, due to Keita not being a DM. Second, there's no space for Romeu, at least for now, in the current team. What position would he play then? Why would he even agree to spend his time on the bench, while being included nearly into every starting XI with Chelsea?

That rumour makes absolutely no sense.


What if he want Romeu to be the next Keita, a player for every position, he is a hard worker just like Keite, he has better technique and is better at a DM, his passing is good (needs improving), physically strong?


Cardenal de Catalunya
What if he want Romeu to be the next Keita, a player for every position, he is a hard worker just like Keite, he has better technique and is better at a DM, his passing is good (needs improving), physically strong?

Except that Sergi Roberto's the next Keita and I think he has shown he's quite capable of performing that duty. It's uncanny how similar those two are, except with Roberto being more technically skilled and he intends to move forward in a Fabregas-esque manner.


Senior Member
Yugi nice videos mate. Plip, i've always thought that Sergi Roberto was more like a deep lying playmaker, rather than a holding midfielder like Keita. if anything, Romeu is probably the closest thing to Keita right now. Glad he's getting playing time at Chelsea. The premier league experience should do him well. Perhaps he should spend maybe 2 seasons before we take him back.

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