Ousmane Dembélé

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Senior Member
15m is still utterly ridiculous for a forward that can't even score 10 goals a season, now and back in Dortmund. It's lunacy. He should be paid at best 2m a year based on his availability and lack of intelligence on pitch.

We would renew him up to 25m

40m salary and 40m signing bonus is too much I'm afraid he will leave for free


Senior Member
Most of us (especially me) have been shitting on him for the past 4 years. I'm just finally glad it's over. I honestly don't understand why Birdy likes this player so much. If Dembele was dumb on the pitch and had poor end product as he does now, but had flair like Neymar I'd understand the fanaticism. But Dembele's football intelligence is awful, his end product is awful, AND he looks awful on the ball. Literally 0 flair whatsoever. Can't even beat his man using skill, it's all sprinting for him.

I just can't understand how a lover of football likes watching him play. He doesn't play like a footballer at all. He just looks so awkward and ugly on the ball. Weirdest technique I've ever seen on this level.


Senior Member
If you look at his stats he doesn't deserve more than 5 mil net. 20 mil net is a franchise player salary FFS.

Doesn't matter anyway

As much as the club wanted to renew him to be able to seal the Torres transfer 40m+40m is too much for the club to afford. Negotiations are over and we will explore other options


Senior Member
Moral of the story: never tell a person with an IQ as big as his shoe size that he is better than Mbappe. He'll think you are serious.


Senior Member
Most of us (especially me) have been shitting on him for the past 4 years. I'm just finally glad it's over. I honestly don't understand why Birdy likes this player so much. If Dembele was dumb on the pitch and had poor end product as he does now, but had flair like Neymar I'd understand the fanaticism. But Dembele's football intelligence is awful, his end product is awful, AND he looks awful on the ball. 0 flair ever.

I just can't understand how a lover of football likes watching him play. He doesn't play like a footballer at all. He just looks so awkward and ugly on the ball. Weirdest technique I've ever seen on this level.

100% agree. He plays with both of his feet but can't score with neither :D. Let's be honest, he only has good given speed and when he loses that, he will be absolutely horrible.

Honestly, we shouldn't care. Let him leave and give him a chance to find another fool who will pay so much for his services. I sincerely don't believe that anyone would give 20 mil salary to this bum. Maybe only teams like Newcastle are THAT desperate.

We should move on and find another quick winger who actually has brain and can perform on a regular basis. In the end we should be grateful that all three bums that we have payed 400 mil will be out in summer and we can start from scratch. At least their huge salaries won't be a burden anymore.
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Senior Member
100% agree. He plays with both of his feet but can't score with neither :D. Let's be honest, he only has good given speed and when he loses that, he will be absolutely horrible.

Someone here said it well a few hundred pages ago back when he was playing as a striker for us last season: "Dembele's ambidextrous, equally shit with both feet."


Senior Member
Moral of the story: never tell a person with an IQ as big as his shoe size that he is better than Mbappe. He'll think you are serious.

Might be some truth to this

Dembele does seem really dumb and even Barto tried the same tactic with the better than Neymar comment.

Something extremely uncharacteristic from Barto so there has to be something up


Senior Member
Imagine Messi's reaction when Mbappe leaves and Dembouz joins PSG next summer. :lol:

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