Paul Pogba


President of FC Barcelona
There's a difference though, Neymar was practically a free agent, so he could command a signing on fee like all free agents do, while Pogba is very much tied to Juventus.

In fact Neymar had much bigger offers on the table but he always preferred Barca from the word go.

Neymar's signing will cost us more than Pogba's will in the end. Too much shady shit. But do people care enough to go ballistic? Not really because he has proven many people wrong. People thought he wouldn't fit in, not 'Barca style', 'ego issues', 'Messi is the leader so he'll struggle to adapt', but he did prove them wrong, he adapted, he rose to the occasion and this season helped us win the treble.

He was a new guy who was regarded as the next big thing, but he had still never played in Europe and there were a lot of question marks over his signing.

Pogba will have better offers from Manchester City and with PSG's FFP restrictions gone, they'll be able to offer him better terms next summer too. Both teams will offer more than us to Juventus.


New member
Pogba has a really great future but as much I would love to have him but he is not worth more than 50m + to me.


I don't think his fee is the problem. Today's market is inflated. His wage demands are the deal breaker, also his agent.


New member
Someone on a City website, who apparently has inside info (BS), has posted 'Welcome to Manchester' in his thread and they've all gone bonkers.


New member
City can now spend their money since their FFP restrictions have apparently been lifted. I hope he signs for them, he would suit them a lot better than us.


New member
This potential transfer really has me divided. Let's look at the pluses and minuses of this potential transfer:

a) Pogba is a world-class prospect.

b) Our midfield demands new blood.

c) Pogba will bring height, strength and long range shooting capabilities, something we lack somewhat in our team. He is also not bad at all technically.

As for the negatives:

a) The rumored fees are sky-high. Yes the market is inflated in general, but Pogba seems to be more inflated than most. We are looking at another Bale here. Very good player, not worth the money paid for him though.

b) Ludicrous wages. Maybe we should let some City/Chelsea/PSG pay those and save our $$$.

c) However we look at it, it is impossible that there are no other young good midfielders out there. Our scouters should be expected to discover some gems. Paying 100m and extortionate wages for Pogba sounds like poor strategy to many of us, and that is for a very good reason.


Active member


Pogba has a really great future but as much I would love to have him but he is not worth more than 50m + to me.

yes cuz he is the best player in Serie A, but if he was the best player in the much over rated EPL you will justify spending 80m+ Like Bale, Suarez or even if he was the best player in Brazilian league that will cost us more than 100m figure!


Mike the Knife
He is understandably much sought after and, in general, I like the profile of the player for the club although it would be an indulgent transfer after the past 2 seasons - we'd officially displace RM as the galactico club...That's fine for some clubs but not this one, IMHO

Plus, pizza boy & his clients guarantee to be problematic for every club they are at


Senior Member
He is understandably much sought after and, in general, I like the profile of the player for the club although it would be an indulgent transfer after the past 2 seasons - we'd officially displace RM as the galactico club...That's fine for some clubs but not this one, IMHO

Plus, pizza boy & his clients guarantee to be problematic for every club they are at

The same 'Pizza boy' that you claimed that Laporta would never do business with a few weeks ago?

Yet they dealt with him on Ibra transfer and Laporta has claimed to have a great relationship with him in recent weeks.

No wonder he has a good relationship with him he put him on the Barca wage role for 4 years.

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