

Senior Member
Look at this disgusting propaganda.

Barto and the rest of his goons need to burn.
They're scrapping at the bottom of the barrel to try and force people the swallow the idea of signing Paulinho is a good idea. How the hell would they know what Messi said? and if Messi said anything to Paulinho how do they know that as the words he used?

Legit fake news if I ever seen it.


Senior Member
This guy will be great for us. He scores so many goals for a midfielder. He intercepts so many balls and is a great tackler. Has a great shot on him. Hopefully he'll bench Rakitic.

He will be a great signing.


New member

It seems like Busquets is happy with Paulinho lol:

"I think Paulinho’s arrival is a good thing, because he’s a player with a different profile to what we currently have. He can contribute a lot. He’s a starter for Brazil, and we’ll welcome him with open arms".

What did you expect? And if he was really happy then he would talk about his qualities. He doesn't say anything about that, or he just doesn't know how good or how bad he is.


New member
I'm telling you right now that this guy has a golazo in him at a critical time for us. I'm feeling it. The only question is if it's gonna be a golazo a la Kondogbia vs Chelsea, or a golazo a la Iniesta vs Chelsea.

It doesnt matter if he scores a golazo. Its that type of short sighted baloney from fans that cause the management to have the gall to go ahead with signings like this.


New member
This guy will be great for us. He scores so many goals for a midfielder. He intercepts so many balls and is a great tackler. Has a great shot on him. Hopefully he'll bench Rakitic.

He will be a great signing.

Dafuq are you smoking? I'd like some as well.


Senior Member
lol, Messi did?

Messi made a comment quite clearly about the Real game that seems to have been translated different ways.

Valverde made a vague comment to all the players linked and not requesting them and it is being turned into him not wanting Paulinho.


Vice President of FC Barcelona
This guy will be great for us. He scores so many goals for a midfielder. He intercepts so many balls and is a great tackler. Has a great shot on him. Hopefully he'll bench Rakitic.

He will be a great signing.

Hello Paulinho, have some dignity and leave


Senior Member
[tw]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="es" dir="ltr">Valverde: “No teníamos el perfil de Paulinho en la plantilla” <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>— Mundo Deportivo (@mundodeportivo) <a href="">August 15, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>[/tw]

Valverde welcomes the move. Says Paulinho will give us something different.


New member
[tw]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="es" dir="ltr">Valverde: “No teníamos el perfil de Paulinho en la plantilla” <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>— Mundo Deportivo (@mundodeportivo) <a href="">August 15, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>[/tw]

Valverde welcomes the move. Says Paulinho will give us something different.

another yes-man.. would be funny to see how Bielsa would react if he was manager :lol:


Senior Member
Valverde wants him at club but dont let that stop the conspiracy theories. Just bend the rules so he is part of it.

Thats the way to do it.

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