Pedro Rodriguez


V.H. 4 life
brilliant goal, but my god he frustrated the hell out of me in that second half. His sensors seemed to pick Messi and noone else. Time and time again Ibra and others were open but he chooses to return the ball back.


New member
The finish that Pedro scored today was just fuckin unbelievable. This is probably the best goal that Pedro will score, hopefully not. All the audience in the stands should have been bowing down to the brilliance of Pedro. Hopefully he will keep on scoring more goals in La Liga.


Staff member
Thrilled that Pedro scored a winner. :party00231:
Although, I`m sure there are people who would rather have Ibra score than our own "homemade" product.


Mike the Knife
Thrilled that Pedro scored a winner. :party00231:
Although, I`m sure there are people who would rather have Ibra score than our own "homemade" product.

Or have them both score :party00231:

Yeah, Pedrito has been immense thus far, hasn't he?...Really pleased with his contributions - just a night/day player from the one we saw last preseason


Anxiously waiting for the next match
i saw a interview of pedro when he was in preseason usa tour he is so humble i like him very much as a person and of course he is blowing away espectations of him as a player


Mike the Knife
i saw a interview of pedro when he was in preseason usa tour he is so humble i like him very much as a person and of course he is blowing away espectations of him as a player

Yeah, great kid...Just need to chip in for a little dental repair :lol:


I walk the line
Pedro = giuly??? I still don't see it...

Pedro, along with busquets, were my picks of the 08/09 preseason. Both are two of my favourite players in the squad.


Staff member
Bojan, you're obsessed with Zlatan, boiii!

Not really. I just like seeing Barca youth score a goal instead of an overpaid newbie. I didn`t see your praises for Pedro here but as soon as Ibra`s name popped up you showed up as well.
How surprising :lol:


I actually came here to see what my man Diego had written. Then I noticed your daily hate for Zlatan & thought I'd let you know that such obsession isn't healthy! In fact, if you check the MOTM thread, you'll see that I voted for Pedro as our second best player & pointed out how Messi and your mate Zlatan hadn't really featured as we would've hoped.

Now this is Pedro's thread so let's not give this overpaid newbie too much love, eh?


Staff member
Thanx, I`ll let you know when I`ll need a minor telling me what`s healthy for me. I can tell you what`s not healthy for Barca though, short and simple. It`s paying way over the odds for Ibrahimovic and then offering him a record salary. He better score more than Eto and add double digits assists as anything else would be a waste of money.
Having said that, I`d still rather see Pedro score ever week, as should every Barca fan.

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