He means figuratively of course, Pedro's still more talented than 90% of forwards on the planet but what contributes to his success is mainly his ability to just get shit done, if you know what i mean 
I rather have 1 Pedro in my team who does his shit right than having 10 video game/youtube prodigies who won't have half the effect that Pedro has for his teams. I guess talking about Pedro being shit at football and the arrival of the new guy in the team should not be a coincidence at all.
Short memories mate. Pedro has been a sensation for us these past 2 seasons
we know pedro is a great player but him and villa have been flops since the second half of lasts season. tonight against united i saw the same Pedro i have seen the second half of last season. He still managed to score important goals like against madrid and shit united but i dont want that Pedro..... i miss the pedro who was fast and could be good on a one on one battle....pedro looks dead just like villa....anything he tries to do gos wrong...he tries to get past defenders and he cant.... are we having a torres syndrome in barca with villa and pedro? only time will tell but its worriyng
i really hope so man..... i really do..... our players look so out of shape since the mid season last year. we are doing something wrong obviously ...ot the player maybe the stuff? maybe they are not that great experts on fitness preparation?You can bash Villa all u want (mid season he started to suck big time) , but not Pedro, its his style to be unseen and be at the right place in the right time. He is switched off for this preseason, he will be back at full power agains RM.
why so much faggotry in every thread? you guys do realize that this is only pre season and we aren't playing with the usual lineup right?? you can't just expect villa or pedro to do things like normal when they have thiago and keita distributing
why so much faggotry in every thread? you guys do realize that this is only pre season and we aren't playing with the usual lineup right?? you can't just expect villa or pedro to do things like normal when they have thiago and keita distributing
taking it a bit too seriously
i really hope so man..... i really do..... our players look so out of shape since the mid season last year. we are doing something wrong obviously ...ot the player maybe the stuff? maybe they are not that great experts on fitness preparation?