Pedro Rodriguez

Pepe Silvia

Active member
In the first half, Pedro was immense. He tracked back and made an impact there, but never really supplied or offered anything of goal scoring threat. He did have that one through ball to Messi that Dante expertly sweeped away (for sure goal had Messi got a foot to it) but other than that, it was all heart from the kid. In games like this we need physicality to get into the box and threaten but we do not have that at the moment. Pique and Bartra were more goal scoring threats than Pedro today.

El Guaje

Nuts. Pedro is a fantastic player and offers far more than his work-ethic. What went wrong tonight (and things that have been going wrong for some time) has nothing to do with what Pedro does or does not bring to the table.

Yeah, that is exactly what he has showed the last 2, 5 years... Not

If he wasnt from La Masia, he wouldve been gone by now, instead he ia a starter...


Senior Member
What competition for the starting XI are you talking about, the man always starts.

Now you guys actually protect a winger using his defensive work? How bout put Alves there and play Montoya as RB?


Senior Member
Nuts. Pedro is a fantastic player and offers far more than his work-ethic. What went wrong tonight (and things that have been going wrong for some time) has nothing to do with what Pedro does or does not bring to the table.

+1. It's too bad people here are looking for scapegoats when it was a tactical defeat. For instance, Pedro *can* get to the goal line and send up a cross every time he gets the ball- he doesn't, because that isn't the game Barça trains to play (and ffs I wish that Alves would stop sending in his skill-less crosses to short Barça players who aren't even there). Bayern's gameplan was to stifle Barça's gameplan, and had the players and discipline to do it.


New member
oh my god, i don't know how we can still defend from pedro! just for god, this guy is a forward, he must score, what the is going on with his passing with alves and xavi and ... he plays just because he is from la masia!


New member
I've an idea for Pedro, since all of you are so happy with his defensive work what about playing him as a fullback?? I mean he used to score heavily 2 seasons ago when he used to play as a proper forward and since they have started putting in more defensive work he has become useless as a forward because he has to put in a lot of energy in defending due to which his attacking hugely suffers.


Professor Balthazar
I've an idea for Pedro, since all of you are so happy with his defensive work what about playing him as a fullback?? I mean he used to score heavily 2 seasons ago when he used to play as a proper forward and since they have started putting in more defensive work he has become useless as a forward because he has to put in a lot of energy in defending due to which his attacking hugely suffers.

Sounds crazy, but I like it :lol: Just play him at RB when Alves retires - seriously, he would be better than most attacking RB's :lol:


Active member
hes not enough for the attack of a team like barcelona....propably a lower team..the only excuses you guys find for him is his defending as you do also for alexis..:lol::lol: thats really a ridiculous excuse


Senior Member
What happened to Pedro. He used to be a clinical goal poacher. Now he is some sort of defensive forward-if that makes any sense. Forwards are meant to attack and score-tracking back is a secondary thing. I blame the coaching staff for turning all our forwards into Messi's water boys.

El Guaje

+1. It's too bad people here are looking for scapegoats when it was a tactical defeat. For instance, Pedro *can* get to the goal line and send up a cross every time he gets the ball- he doesn't, because that isn't the game Barça trains to play (and ffs I wish that Alves would stop sending in his skill-less crosses to short Barça players who aren't even there). Bayern's gameplan was to stifle Barça's gameplan, and had the players and discipline to do it.

We arent looking at this game only, Pedro has been crap for 2, 5 years now.
He ahouldnt be a starter, but yet he is. If he wasnt frlm la masia, he wouldve been sold, but instead he has a starting place...


New member
^ Exactly it's not just this game. Fair enough he scored against PSG but other than that all we can say about him this season is he defends well. He's one of our 3 attackers on the pitch, defending just isn't enough. If we want to Bayern and Madrid have bought a sickening amount of talent. Pedro wouldn't make the bench at either of those teams.

I would be okay with him staying provided he was used as a backup for someone far more talented on the wing.


Senior Member
Has it been Sanchez, the reaction would be out of proportion already , but hell no, La Masia beats it all

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