Pedro Rodriguez


If we desperately need a goal it's better to have Messi, Neymar & Suarez on the pitch. Why would Luis Enrique turn to Pedro?

If Neymar is being woeful with his finishing (Or any other forward sans Messi, really) they should be subbed. Obviously, Lucho wouldn't turn to Pedro, because of how poor a player Pedro is. If we had someone decent like, say, a more developed Munir/Sandro on the bench, they would be a good option to bring on. We actually saw a glimpse of that against Villareal, bringing Sandro on to more or less save the day.


New member
Once there's deal with Sergi Roberto, Barcelona plan to renew Rafinha (21) and Pedro (27), whose contracts expires in 2016. [md]
Just great, let's reward Pedro for his great form in the past 2 years with another contract.


Even if Messi & Suarez are being woeful with their finishing I'd keep them on the pitch. Same with Neymar to be honest.


Senior Member
Even if Messi & Suarez are being woeful with their finishing I'd keep them on the pitch. Same with Neymar to be honest.

then why do we even need him, just sell him, he brings nothing to the team, he can't even be an impact sub


Do you people who want to sell him realize there is a transfer ban in effect? No buying and selling. Pedro will remain Barcelona player for next 2 years (or at least 1.5 to be precise).

ETA : At least I think the ban means also ban on selling players...

No, Barça can sell. The ban is for buying only. Players on loan can also come back.


New member
Pedro 4 Life!

There is something odd happening with Ped.

He once was the super sub that scored big goals and benched Ibra, then formed the best tridente since Messi eto Henry via the MVP.

Was it the injuries he suffered a couple a years ago in Pep last season that derailed him? Was the MVP the perfect circle for him ?


then why do we even need him, just sell him, he brings nothing to the team, he can't even be an impact sub

Dude are you serious? :lol: Messi, Neymar & Suarez won't be able to play all games and all other players are obviously too young and will benefit more from playing with Barça B and getting occasional minutes here and there then sitting on the bench 90% of the time.


Nepali Cule
Your logic is beyond absurd. "Sell Pedro even though we have a transfer ban, he adds nothing anyway." Can't be serious.
it has nothing to do with transfer ban. Im just saying that we should have sold him n buy another player before the season started.


San Claudio Bravo
Why are people still bitching about Pedro. He is not a starter anymore, he is a sub player. There are very few teams, to say almost none, that have a 4th forward with the quality and experience of Pedro.

Sell Pedro and buy whom? A world class forward to warm the bench? Pedro has a limited role now, and he is an excellent choice for that role.


Why are people still bitching about Pedro. He is not a starter anymore, he is a sub player. There are very few teams, to say almost none, that have a 4th forward with the quality and experience of Pedro.

Sell Pedro and buy whom? A world class forward to warm the bench? Pedro has a limited role now, and he is an excellent choice for that role.

Not buy. Promote. Hell, we don't even have to promote.

Rafinha is good enough to fill in as 4th choice forward and 3rd/4th choice midfielder. When we feel the need to start someone other than Messi/Neymar/Suarez we can use forwards from the B team who actually have a chance of contributing something while they're out there.

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