Pedro Rodriguez


On offense, he was pretty much chasing overhit long balls and crosses from Rakatic and Mascherano (and others) in the first half. His one-touch shot in the first 5 minutes from Montoya's square wasn't bad, on target, keeper reacted well to keep it from going in at the near post (not to mention important in the build-up to that attack, helping Iniesta and Alba get it out of the back). And he made the most creative key pass attempt in the first half, a through ball for Messi who was caught walking a couple of feet offsides (around 10:50).

How did the keeper react well on his shot? Whenever Pedro shoots it goes either one of two places: Straight at the keeper or off target. This particular shot was straight at the keeper.

Had a nice little piece of skill that didn't quite come off around 31:20. Munir was dribbling in from right touch, then passed hard off the ground to Pedro at the top of the box. Pedro caught it in the air well with a back heel wall pass to Messi, but ball didn't quite make it all the way to him.

Uhm... okay? I don't feel the need to mention this. Neymar has nice bits of skill far more impressive than this dotted throughout every game he plays and he has a far higher rate of success as well, but you don't like him because his rise obviously forced Pedro to the bench.

Haven't watched the second half yet, but I was expecting a much worse performance based on the (hyperbolic) comments here. If anyone was squandering opportunities, it was Munir. From reading, it looks like Iniesta has also received the Forum's wrath (from what I've seen, for largely being marked out of the game, which pushed the play over to Rakatic).

You would be fucking creaming yourself if Pedro got the opportunity to miss even half the chances Munir did. I can only imagine the incredible amount of "PEDRO HAD A GREAT GAME! IN YOUR FACES HATERS" we'd have to endure from you if he were to beat his man as often as Munir did and had two penalties not given and a goal wrongly disallowed as Munir did. Munir was twice the threat Pedro was in that game and it stopped being funny in preseason.

And I haven't seen any hate on Iniesta. Like, at all. I haven't gone to his thread on this forum though, so maybe it's only happening here, on that thread in particular, but for some reason I doubt that...


Vice President of FC Barcelona
On offense, he was pretty much chasing overhit long balls and crosses from Rakatic and Mascherano (and others) in the first half. His one-touch shot in the first 5 minutes from Montoya's square wasn't bad, on target, keeper reacted well to keep it from going in at the near post (not to mention important in the build-up to that attack, helping Iniesta and Alba get it out of the back). And he made the most creative key pass attempt in the first half, a through ball for Messi who was caught walking a couple of feet offsides (around 10:50).

Had a nice little piece of skill that didn't quite come off around 31:20. Munir was dribbling in from right touch, then passed hard off the ground to Pedro at the top of the box. Pedro caught it in the air well with a back heel wall pass to Messi, but ball didn't quite make it all the way to him.

Haven't watched the second half yet, but I was expecting a much worse performance based on the (hyperbolic) comments here. If anyone was squandering opportunities, it was Munir. From reading, it looks like Iniesta has also received the Forum's wrath (from what I've seen, for largely being marked out of the game, which pushed the play over to Rakatic).

Chasing over hit long balls please they were very good balls which he had to chase because he ruined they with the first touch (not saying all of them were good but he could have made more from 3-4 balls that dropped very well for him when the keeper was coming out)


Senior Member
His one-touch shot in the first 5 minutes from Montoya's square wasn't bad, on target, keeper reacted well to keep it from going in at the near post

so let me get this straight...

Pedro shots the ball from 5-6 meters straight in the keeper , and you praise him for that ?

kay then , bye.



Senior Member
Chasing over hit long balls please they were very good balls which he had to chase because he ruined they with the first touch (not saying all of them were good but he could have made more from 3-4 balls that dropped very well for him when the keeper was coming out)

Sorry, that is just bullcrap, he didn't miscontrol a long ball all game. Maybe you mistook Munir for Pedro? I can give you a minute by minute recap. Only two balls landed anywhere near Pedro in the first half: 18:03 Wins a header in an aerial duel with two (taller) defenders from long Rakatic cross, but wasn't able to control it after that. 37:05 Wins a Mascherano clearance and beats defender, then squares for Munir in a 2v4 attack, both of them double-teamed. Defender clears ball way out to touch.

I also recall him receiving a perfect long cross from Iniesta in the second half, left to right, which he handled well.

He has certainly miscontrolled long balls in other games (as well as handled them with superb touch). But no bad touches today; that's all in your head, just repeating the hate mantra (exactly why witness testimony counts for shit in the American court system; people are prone to say what they want to believe they saw, rather than what actually happened).
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Senior Member
so let me get this straight...

Pedro shots the ball from 5-6 meters straight in the keeper , and you praise him for that ?

Said it wasn't bad. And please, get real- this was no point blank, time to set up 1v1. Pedro receives the ball from what was essentially a hard Montoya sliding tackle, and has to beat two defenders and the keeper. He made the right decision to take it with one touch- had he tried to line up a shot, the defenders would have closed him down. He redirects it low and hard to the near post, and it almost goes in off the keepers deflection. We've even seen Messi do the same, and not score.

Yeah, who knows- maybe tries to punch it into the top net, maybe keeper blocks, or redirect towards the far post, maybe defender heads it or blocks it or keeper saves. Main thing in a situation like that is to put it hard on target, which he did- right decision. Had there been a Barça player anywhere near the back post, it would have been an easy tap in from the deflection, and 1-0.

Also remember that he pretty much started the break after some good work by Iniesta and Alba who were pinned in. They got the ball to Pedro, who busted through two defenders to get the break on.

Instead of a cutesy GIF, I'll give you a screen shot, the moment Pedro gets the ball from Montoya (Montoya is the yellow spec on the lower left edge of the photo).



Bernie you're alone in the fight, just stop it. You always make a shitty Pedro performance look like he was best on the night. Pretty fun to read though.

He was outplayed by an 18 year old once again.
BerkeleyBernie makes Jaden look like a regular fan. At least Jaden doesn't try to make every shit performance by Neymar look amazing. Berkeley's fanboyism is topped only by ThwiX's :lol:
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Senior Member
BerkeleyBernie makes Jaden look like a regular fan. At least Jaden doesn't try to make every shit performance by Neymar look amazing. Berkeley's fanboyism is topped only by ThwiX's :lol:

You shouldn't forget about Alexis fanboyism from the time he played for Barca :wave:
You shouldn't forget about Alexis fanboyism from the time he played for Barca :wave:

I haven't seen any Alexis fanboyism comparable to BerkeleyBernie's Pedro fanboyism. Does anyone on this forum consistently try to make every shit performance from Alexis look world class? I'm pretty sure even serghei doesn't do that.

Judging by his sig, Berkeley even seems to think that Pedro should start over Neymar :rofl1:
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Mike the Knife
He wasn't poor but he failed to finish and that's the difference between the current Pedro and the old one I'm afraid...On top of which, Munir didn't deserve to come off after the match he had been having, Lucho got that wrong IMHO


He wasn't poor but he failed to finish and that's the difference between the current Pedro and the old one I'm afraid...On top of which, Munir didn't deserve to come off after the match he had been having, Lucho got that wrong IMHO

Seems to me like Lucho sees Pedro is underperforming and is just giving him as much time as possible in this early part of the season before he finally gets fed up. So when he leaves him at home against Chelsea or Dortmund in February he can say it's due to consistently poor performances.

At least that's what I'm telling myself.

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