Pedro Rodriguez


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New member
+1. Look at Madrid, all want to dribble and do fancy stuff with the ball, but no one wants to run for the team.

But just running around alot isn't all that great if it's the only thing that you do, especially not in his position.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
I think he had a great game.He was a constant threat but you guys are average fans who doesn't see or understand half of what he does on the pitch, but the other players in Barca do. That's why they respect him so much. We are lucky to have him.

Alexis had been doing twice more those off the ball and "dirty" job. Compared to Pedro, the latter just tries to imitate him on the pitch. Luckily, we won't need him a lot when Suarez is back.


Wild Man of Borneo
He just doesn't embody what a Barcelona attacker needs. Sure, his skillset is perfect for our technical play since he works hard, is ambidextrious, unselfish, and has great footwork. It's just that Barcelona attackers need to have an element of directness to them. They drive the conversion from buildup to attacking the goal and have to be very direct in the mold of Henry/Neymar/Eto'o/Villa. Pedro on the other hand just inhabits the ball circulation aspect of the game and adds some defensive workrate, but essentially nothing going forward and creating danger.


Senior Member
This sounds kinda crazy but it might be worth converting him to RB. He does a lot of defensive duties anyway. Plus it would take the pressure off of him for scoring a goal.


Senior Member
Had a couple of intense runs. It wasn't a bad game from him. His speed and work rate are still great for the team. Off the ball, between him, Messi, and Munir, he ran the most. It's not a pleasant thing to do, to run without the ball a lot. And he does it. At one point tonight, he ran and pressed Iraizoz from the center of the field. He ran like 50-60m or so just so he can stop the time-wasting from Bilbao and get the ball back in play for us. Sad that people only see goals and assists these days.

On offense, he was pretty much chasing overhit long balls and crosses from Rakatic and Mascherano (and others) in the first half. His one-touch shot in the first 5 minutes from Montoya's square wasn't bad, on target, keeper reacted well to keep it from going in at the near post (not to mention important in the build-up to that attack, helping Iniesta and Alba get it out of the back). And he made the most creative key pass attempt in the first half, a through ball for Messi who was caught walking a couple of feet offsides (around 10:50).

Had a nice little piece of skill that didn't quite come off around 31:20. Munir was dribbling in from right touch, then passed hard off the ground to Pedro at the top of the box. Pedro caught it in the air well with a back heel wall pass to Messi, but ball didn't quite make it all the way to him.

Haven't watched the second half yet, but I was expecting a much worse performance based on the (hyperbolic) comments here. If anyone was squandering opportunities, it was Munir. From reading, it looks like Iniesta has also received the Forum's wrath (from what I've seen, for largely being marked out of the game, which pushed the play over to Rakatic).
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