Pedro Rodriguez


Penya Member
Some football gossip in circulating that "apparently", reports indicate Pedro is ready to quit in the new year after growing concerns he will be left as a luxury back up to Suárez.

Make of it what you will =/


Munir wasn't even good against Bilbao.


There is little point in arguing with you because it's clear you're arguing in favor of Pedro regardless of if it has any logic or meaning, but to suggest Munir didn't play well against Athletic Club (Apparently they don't like being called Bilbao, lol) you should probably go back and watch the game again. If Pedro had a performance like that your panties would be so wet you wouldn't know what to do with yourself.



Senior Member
Experience counts for nothing if you're not good enough. Not saying Pedro is not good enough. He is good enough as a back-up and for rotation and I hope he lifts his performance soon.

Meanwhile, Munir and Sandro will also get their chances, play matches and gain experience and when the time has come, they will leapfrog Pedro IMO, if they keep working hard.

+1 Exactly (and let's be clear, we're talking about Pedro's conversion when we are talking about improving). Also, right tool for the right job, which, so far, Lucho appears to be getting right.

As I've mentioned, the Bilbao game was an uncharacteristic exercise in long ball and counterattack (which I'm guessing were Lucho's instructions, knowing Bilbao would not sit 10 men behind the ball). There was much less short pass link-up play between the midfielders and the forwards than we are used to. My impression was that his instruction to Pedro was, when Barça had the ball, to play centrally between the two centerbacks, whereas Munir played more off center, between the fullbacks and the centerbacks. Besides the fact that almost all of the long balls to Pedro were poor, it also accounts for why Munir received better service, as he had more pockets of space with Pedro occupying the centerbacks. When Suarez joins the team, and assuming he gets better service in that same position, we know how deadly a striker he can be, and it could really open things up for the entire team.

As always, all things in context.

There is little point in arguing with you because it's clear you're arguing in favor of Pedro regardless of if it has any logic or meaning, but to suggest Munir didn't play well against Athletic Club (Apparently they don't like being called Bilbao, lol) you should probably go back and watch the game again. If Pedro had a performance like that your panties would be so wet you wouldn't know what to do with yourself.

I didn't say Munir had a poor game; I said he made quite a few errors characteristic of a young player lacking in Primera experience. I like the kid and wish him well as he continues to develop.

What a blindly generic statement. Most of Messi's "freedom to do damage" happened when Neymar was on and Pedro was subbed. Even when Pedro was on, Messi's dangerous moments were in the form of creating plays for Munir and channeling through the youngster. Pretty much none of the 'workrate and off the ball running' contributed to activating Messi and getting him more involved. It's no coincidence that Messi was far less involved and active during the period when Pedro was on the left, yet when Neymar came on he was constantly feeding balls into that zone for both him and Iniesta. The exact same zone that Pedro was more or less supposed to be occupying when he was on.

Actually, that didn't appear to be Lucho's instructions to Pedro. Both Munir and Pedro were not playing on the wings (except when retreating to their defensive positions), with Pedro apparently instructed to play between the two centerbacks when in possession. Their wing movement was usually center to wing (rather than wing to center), to support attacks down the sides (especially Munir working with Alba on the left). You are correct in that Neymar's play was *far* more as a winger (moving left to center), and also that Iniesta advanced more in the late stages of the game. In the first 60 minutes, Iniesta was involved 13.85% in the final third (Alba 26.9%); in the last 30 minutes, 35.14% (Alba 21.74%).


I didn't say Munir had a poor game; I said he made quite a few errors characteristic of a young player lacking in Primera experience. I like the kid and wish him well as he continues to develop.

Why are you responding, then? I wasn't talking to you, you weren't quoted, and I literally cut out a part of the post of the person I really was talking to, where he actually DID say Munir didn't have a good game.

I'm struggling to comprehend how you could have possibly thought I was talking to you there.


Senior Member
Why are you responding, then? I wasn't talking to you, you weren't quoted, and I literally cut out a part of the post of the person I really was talking to, where he actually DID say Munir didn't have a good game.

True dat, my bad.

I'm struggling to comprehend how you could have possibly thought I was talking to you there.

Struggling? :D So given our history in this thread, you can't imagine how I might have quickly scanned your post and made an (incorrect) assumption? I do forget sometimes that there are other members besides me that take a less polarized view of our attackers.


New member
There is little point in arguing with you because it's clear you're arguing in favor of Pedro regardless of if it has any logic or meaning

No I'm not, I'm trying to temper people's expectations of two kids who are completely unproven. I am not a Pedro fanboy trying to get him in the team, I'm responding here (this forum) to people who want to sell him and either 1. replace him with another star (Reus etc) or 2. replace him with youngsters. Pedro is a backup, he will be nowhere near the team when all the front 3 are fit, but he is a good backup, one that we should be keeping to give these young guys time to grow.

I was laughed at for mentioning Bojan because he is supposedly an he definitely is not, the exceptions are the 18/19 year olds who are thrust into the top level football and actually survive and go on to become the stars they were hyped up to be, these guys are few and far between.

And yet, as with seemingly every Barca youngster that makes it out of La Masia and plays a good game or 2 for the 1st team we already think we are sorted for the rest of the season, to challenge for 3 major trophies, with 3 players with less than 10 combined first team games as our 2nd line of forwards.


Senior Member
No I'm not, I'm trying to temper people's expectations of two kids who are completely unproven. I am not a Pedro fanboy trying to get him in the team, I'm responding here (this forum) to people who want to sell him and either 1. replace him with another star (Reus etc) or 2. replace him with youngsters. Pedro is a backup, he will be nowhere near the team when all the front 3 are fit, but he is a good backup, one that we should be keeping to give these young guys time to grow.

I was laughed at for mentioning Bojan because he is supposedly an he definitely is not, the exceptions are the 18/19 year olds who are thrust into the top level football and actually survive and go on to become the stars they were hyped up to be, these guys are few and far between.

And yet, as with seemingly every Barca youngster that makes it out of La Masia and plays a good game or 2 for the 1st team we already think we are sorted for the rest of the season, to challenge for 3 major trophies, with 3 players with less than 10 combined first team games as our 2nd line of forwards.

:goodpost: Not opinion; the facts bear you out.

I personally also think Pedro will rack up his share of goals this season.

I wonder if many of the pro-youngster folks are young themselves and see themselves in these kids' "Hero Stories?" Young bright talent has to compete with the entrenched establishment "old" deadwood blocking their path to glory.


New member
These are some epic rotations by Lucho ! We going to see some kids again with Samper, Munir and Sandro all playing one way or another today ! Can't wait for this one.


No I'm not, I'm trying to temper people's expectations of two kids who are completely unproven.

And saying he played poorly, or "Not very good", is how you're doing that? BerkleyBernie loves to hate on Neymar but loves Pedro despite Neymar clearly being a better player to anyone not wearing blinders. You putting down Munir's performance can very easily be viewed in the same light.

I am not a Pedro fanboy trying to get him in the team, I'm responding here (this forum) to people who want to sell him and either 1. replace him with another star (Reus etc)

There's no need to replace him with another star, but I've said that several times now already. I've heard more about replacing him with better stars from you than anyone else, by the way. Go several pages back and all you'll hear about is how poor he is and how youngster X (Usually Munir) is better.

or 2. replace him with youngsters. Pedro is a backup, he will be nowhere near the team when all the front 3 are fit, but he is a good backup, one that we should be keeping to give these young guys time to grow.

The problem is he isn't even a good backup. He's just "Experienced". And by the way, he hasn't actually shown at any point that he's willing to ride the bench for our stars. He was a starter under Tito, and played more games than not under Tata due to our plague of injuries, and even now he's getting decent minutes due to Suarez being out. In fact, in the brief part of the early season under Tata, when both Messi and Neymar were able to start together along with Mr. Slip N Slide, there were reports that Pedro wasn't happy with being bench. Oh boy, you "He's a good backup" guys are going to be pretty disappointed come January or July.

I was laughed at for mentioning Bojan because he is supposedly an he definitely is not, the exceptions are the 18/19 year olds who are thrust into the top level football and actually survive and go on to become the stars they were hyped up to be, these guys are few and far between.

Any player becoming the star they were hyped to be is the exception. Bojan didn't fail because he was promoted too quickly. He failed because he had balls of cotton and the mental strength of a five year old. As I've said numerous times, Bojan is as much of an extreme as Messi was. It's absurd to try and compare a kid's progress to Messi, just as it's absurd to predict a kid's absolute failure to end up like Bojan.

And yet, as with seemingly every Barca youngster that makes it out of La Masia and plays a good game or 2 for the 1st team we already think we are sorted for the rest of the season, to challenge for 3 major trophies, with 3 players with less than 10 combined first team games as our 2nd line of forwards.

Oh, right. Pedro, who will, as you said, never be anywhere near the first team when our front trio are available doesn't hurt, but having players who lack experience will make it harder for us, despite having the same or similar position of nowhere near the first team.


Senior Member
Finally left out of the squad, lets throw a party Bernie!!


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