Pedro Rodriguez


Senior Member
Pathetic game, even if he scored an open goal. Sandro had a much better game.

Hey what do you super hate Pedro now that your idol left for Arsenal ?
Why did you made every Alexis doubter "a hater" every day while you seem to disociate from this condition while accusing Pedro of being pathetic ?

Where the fuck is the freaking hypocrisy term in the dictionary right now as compared to you man ?


Wild Man of Borneo
He was really bad today, messing up almost everything aside from the goal. And unlike his 'supposedly positive quality', his poor individual performance actually hurt the team passing game as he made sloppy touches, handled it in front of the box, bad passes, etc. Didn't add anything other than a number to the scoreline. Looking more and more like we'll have to rely on Suarez to start his first Clasico, not that I am opposed to seeing him in action.


They way Sandro and Munir are performing, I don't think he'll be in the team after the ban is lifted.

If he keeps playing like this it's hard to see him sticking around past January. His few qualities are all incredibly overrated and while some may argue that he's a better option than those two because of his experience the actual games we're playing suggest otherwise.


Senior Member
Watched the second half. Is it me or does he seem a bit disinterested? :eusa_think:

I know what you are talking about, but it's really the nature of that CF position now when Barça is in possession and the opponent is withdrawn and bunkered in- lots of waiting, walking, jogging, watching- bursting into runs when you see a midfielder with the ball looking in your direction, bursting into the box when a move comes down the wings- wait, start, stop, rinse, repeat- then pressing and getting back to defend when Barça loses possession. With Messi at the top of the midfield diamond a lot of the time, there isn't as much of the false 9 option either (to drop quickly off the back line to receive a pass). It's pretty much waiting for opportunities in behind, tap-ins from wing cutbacks, or combinations up the middle (mostly initiated by Messi cutting in from right). No way to get involved in the play unless the play comes to you, just keep making runs and hope to be in the right place at the right time. He was, actually, a couple come to mind off the top of my head- for Alba's poor quasi-shot-quasi-cutback that was neither, with both Neymar and Pedro in position to knock it in. For Mathieu's header towards the far post that came down just a little too far past the goal line.

Team overall had no need for urgency once the game was put to bed (hence Neymar's little showboat rainbow flick to move the ball from between the lines *backwards* to the midfield- if Barça needed a goal, you can be sure he would have moved the ball forward, drawing a foul in a great position at the very least). So that may have played a part as well.

EDIT: Whoops- that rainbow was midway through the first half, Barça dominating, but score 0-0. :spank: So just Neymar showboating for the sake of showboating. :trampoline:
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I know what you are talking about, but it's really the nature of that CF position now when Barça is in possession and the opponent is withdrawn and bunkered in- lots of waiting, walking, jogging, watching- bursting into runs when you see a midfielder with the ball looking in your direction, bursting into the box when a move comes down the wings- wait, start, stop, rinse, repeat- then pressing and getting back to defend when Barça loses possession. With Messi at the top of the midfield diamond a lot of the time, there isn't as much of the false 9 option either (to drop quickly off the back line to receive a pass). It's pretty much waiting for opportunities in behind, tap-ins from wing cutbacks, or combinations up the middle (mostly initiated by Messi cutting in from right). No way to get involved in the play unless the play comes to you, just keep making runs and hope to be in the right place at the right time. He was, actually, a couple come to mind off the top of my head- for Alba's poor quasi-shot-quasi-cutback that was neither, with both Neymar and Pedro in position to knock it in. For Mathieu's header towards the far post that came down just a little too far past the goal line.

Team overall had no need for urgency once the game was put to bed (hence Neymar's little showboat rainbow flick to move the ball from between the lines *backwards* to the midfield- if Barça needed a goal, you can be sure he would have moved the ball forward, drawing a foul in a great position at the very least). So that may have played a part as well.

EDIT: Whoops- that rainbow was midway through the first half, Barça dominating, but score 0-0. :spank: So just Neymar showboating for the sake of showboating. :trampoline:

I was wondering how long it'd take you to make your way over here. It's always a coin flip between if you're going to try and argue that he played well or if you'll try to make amusing excuses for why he played so poorly. There was nothing wrong with his position or how the team was lined up. That might, quite possibly, have been a valid excuse if he played poorly in a single game, three years ago, but it's not. These performances have been consistent for years now. Prior to Lucho arriving and bringing his pressing, defending mentality with him, Pedro brought a willingness to press and defend. With Lucho here now he doesn't bring anything. This was the worst team in La Liga and he was almost half as effective as Sandro.


Senior Member
and he was almost half as effective as Sandro...

...who played the roaming role off center.

I like Sandro a lot, and actually think he has the potential to perform better in that central position than Pedro because of his height, size, and apparent natural ability to play with his back to goal. I would have liked to have seen their positions reversed, but at that point in the game, it really didn't matter.


Hopefully we won't get to see him much again if Suarez is allowed to play

What happened to our Pedrito :(


New member
He might have gone down hill but he's still a perfect player for closing out games and keeping the bench warm. He's on low wages too right?

Having said that with Munir and Sadro breaking through and Gerard to return he may well be on his way out next summer. I assume we can loan players out even though we have the ban?


He might have gone down hill but he's still a perfect player for closing out games and keeping the bench warm. He's on low wages too right?

Having said that with Munir and Sadro breaking through and Gerard to return he may well be on his way out next summer. I assume we can loan players out even though we have the ban?

We're banned from registering new players, so we can still sell.


New member
He might have gone down hill but he's still a perfect player for closing out games and keeping the bench warm. He's on low wages too right?

Having said that with Munir and Sadro breaking through and Gerard to return he may well be on his way out next summer. I assume we can loan players out even though we have the ban?

Maybe utilizing him in a different position can help revive his career but I don't see it happening.

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