I know what you are talking about, but it's really the nature of that CF position now when Barça is in possession and the opponent is withdrawn and bunkered in- lots of waiting, walking, jogging, watching- bursting into runs when you see a midfielder with the ball looking in your direction, bursting into the box when a move comes down the wings- wait, start, stop, rinse, repeat- then pressing and getting back to defend when Barça loses possession. With Messi at the top of the midfield diamond a lot of the time, there isn't as much of the false 9 option either (to drop quickly off the back line to receive a pass). It's pretty much waiting for opportunities in behind, tap-ins from wing cutbacks, or combinations up the middle (mostly initiated by Messi cutting in from right). No way to get involved in the play unless the play comes to you, just keep making runs and hope to be in the right place at the right time. He was, actually, a couple come to mind off the top of my head- for Alba's poor quasi-shot-quasi-cutback that was neither, with both Neymar and Pedro in position to knock it in. For Mathieu's header towards the far post that came down just a little too far past the goal line.
Team overall had no need for urgency once the game was put to bed (hence Neymar's little showboat rainbow flick to move the ball from between the lines *backwards* to the midfield- if Barça needed a goal, you can be sure he would have moved the ball forward, drawing a foul in a great position at the very least). So that may have played a part as well.
EDIT: Whoops- that rainbow was midway through the first half, Barça dominating, but score 0-0.

So just Neymar showboating for the sake of showboating.