Pedro Rodriguez


Staff member
As of late, you can't wish Pedro to play more without some smart-ass/newbie/kid/fanboy asking you if you ever played football. Or calling your post rudely "bullshit". Or this latest rabid gem: "Pedro isn't good enough to ever start a game". Add some double account users who only signed up to wind up regular users.
All that without usual fanboys who only registered for Ney and care nothing about Barca. To be fair to the last category, half of those, at least, have been ok.

I didn't build this forum to make it a home to such vermin. There are plenty of godforsaken places where they can indulge in their primitive posts.


President of FC Barcelona
You can wish for Pedro to play over Neymar, but you could convey your wish better than taking unfounded shots at Neymar, and other posters. It's funny you talk about fanboys when you were the one who started to call people who disagreed with your point about Pedro warranting a starting place for fanboys and started questioning whether they actually support Barcelona.


At the end of the day, it's the coach that decides who will play. Nothing we say or do will change that. And based on what we've seen so far, Lucho will pick Neymar over Pedro more often than not.


Staff member
I will convey and run this place as I please (as 7 previous years) and take "shots" at any player I choose. And I will talk about fanboys as they are clearly here and been the cause of commotion every few years.
Ibra train was much worse, we lived through it and we will live through this.
Anyone who don't like the place and how I run it can take a hike.


As of late, you can't wish Pedro to play more without some smart-ass/newbie/kid/fanboy asking you if you ever played football. Or calling your post rudely "bullshit". Or this latest rabid gem: "Pedro isn't good enough to ever start a game". Add some double account users who only signed up to wind up regular users.
All that without usual fanboys who only registered for Ney and care nothing about Barca. To be fair to the last category, half of those, at least, have been ok.

I didn't build this forum to make it a home to such vermin. There are plenty of godforsaken places where they can indulge in their primitive posts.

That comment was, as someone pointed out, hyperbolic. It was also towards the end of a medium length post discussing two other players when having a conversation about who could fill in our front line. I am in no way a Neymar fanboy and have been a fan of the club since long before he was signed.

There is little room to deny Pedro has taken significant decline over the years and, in my opinion, it'd be best for us to let him leave and look forward to building towards the future.

@JamDav I would actually love to keep this conversation going, by the way. I was enjoying it :lol:


New member
An awesome piece of play between between Isco, Morata and Pedro from todays training session with Spains NT.

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Active member
There should be a poll whether one wants pedro to stay as super sub or sell him so that he gets regular playing time in some other top club.


There should be a poll whether one wants pedro to stay as super sub or sell him so that he gets regular playing time in some other top club.

Sell him. For our sake, not his, though.

We need to try and develop players with the small amount of minutes he gets. He's far from being a super sub.

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