Penal Madrid


Senior Member
Telegraph exclusive over potential Madrid FFP manipulations, to the surprise of noone.

Real Madrid face questions over unexplained costs of €122m

Exclusive: Real have reassured its members it is in a strong financial position, but it has only stayed marginally in profit in recent years



Culé de Celestial Empire
Of course media from Spain, aka Madrid Country will sweep this under the rug.

It is always Barça the corrupt club, of course.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Lmao god forbid a club helps local community by building car parks and modernising metro

Helps the local community? Yeah right. You want it done in the first place not for the local communities, rather it is because you want to boost business for the Bernaneu so ka-ching for Madrid. And then you lobbied with your buddies at the City to award a bloated contract (561m? Come on, how much does it cost to build two friggin' parking lots? Granted it one of them is underground, but considering it didn't cost you guys that much more than 561m to renovate Bernabeu...) to a company that you own on PUBLIC LAND, on top of that you are given the rights to manage them for 40 years with an estimated revenue of 6m a year for Real Madrid...

And then you worked your power to have the City of Madrid and taxpayers foot the bills to renovate the metro station with a RM ambience in order to not only to make the Bernabeu more accessible but also to advertise RM...

Of course Real Madrid is just trying to help the local communities... :sneaky:

El Gato

Ah yes, here's Lufty, our resident civil engineer doing financial appraisal of fundamental infrastructure projects

Newsflash son - not sure if you knew - RM is a big revenue driver for the city
Only natural it'll cooperate in projects that benefit the club, the community adjacent to its premises and make it more accessible


President of FC Barcelona
Tebas need to get rid of the FFP rules right now or not allow Real Madrid to register their new signings :coffee:


Culé de Celestial Empire
Ah yes, here's Lufty, our resident civil engineer doing financial appraisal of fundamental infrastructure projects

Newsflash son - not sure if you knew - RM is a big revenue driver for the city
Only natural it'll cooperate in projects that benefit the club, the community adjacent to its premises and make it more accessible

It doesn't take a civil engineer or a rocket scientist to put the dots together. Madridistas like you and many others are not financial analysts or lawyers by trade or training, yet that didn't stop you bunch from commenting on Barça's levers and the Negreira case.

Of course RM is a big revenue driver for the city, but not as much as you think it is I suspect. I read years ago Barça only accounted for like 0.5% of the revenue for the city of Barcelona, something like that if my memory serves me correctly, Madrid wouldn't be that much different, perhaps the overall percentage is even lower because Madrid is a bigger city.

The issue is not why you guys want to build the parking lots, of course it makes sense for you. If you just wanted to help the local communities you would have done it a long time ago. This coincides with the new Bernabeu being built and unveiled, it points everything to boosting the stadium first and foremost. The issue is how you are the ones who wanted to build them in the first place (nobody else had asked for them), and you are the only one who submitted the bid to this public tender and the contract is so bloated, awarding RM to not just build them but the rights to manage them for 40 years. Everything is pointing to the city of Madrid trying to come to the aid of RM to benefit RM.

While in Barcelona, it took Barça a long time to get the necessary permits to rebuild Camp Nou (still the last one is missing I read), I think I even read Barça had to agree to shell out money to help the city "gentrify" the immediate neighborhoods in Les Corts next to Camp Nou.
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Culé de Celestial Empire
Barca fans calling Real shady is funny. Why don't you lot pull one of your "levers"? :lol:

The difference is Barça didn't hide any of its levers as income or expenses, Madrid did, which could have impacted the FFP.

I don't expect a Liverpool fan to understand it since you guys just ask John Henry to write checks.


Well-known member
The difference is Barça didn't hide any of its levers as income or expenses, Madrid did, which could have impacted the FFP.

I don't expect a Liverpool fan to understand it since you guys just ask John Henry to write checks.

John Henry? Him/FSG don't invest nearly enough. Fanbase doesn't like that.

El Gato

The issue is not why you guys want to build the parking lots, of course it makes sense for you. If you just wanted to help the local communities you would have done it a long time ago. This coincides with the new Bernabeu being built and unveiled, it points everything to boosting the stadium first and foremost. The issue is how you are the ones who wanted to build them in the first place (nobody else had asked for them), and you are the only one who submitted the bid to this public tender and the contract is so bloated, awarding RM to not just build them but the rights to manage them for 40 years. Everything is pointing to the city of Madrid trying to come to the aid of RM to benefit RM.

While in Barcelona, it took Barça a long time to get the necessary permits to rebuild Camp Nou (still the last one is missing I read), I think I even read Barça had to agree to shell out money to help the city "gentrify" the immediate neighborhoods in Les Corts next to Camp Nou.

Had a look through articles around those car parks
Everything looks lovely
You seem to be mis-pasting some numbers and inventing problems that arent there

Both car parks are underground. Not just one.
Big job, will take plenty of investment
561 is not money awarded or some bloated contract - it's an estimate of income the project will generate over 40 years
A figure even club acknowledge is higher than will be in reality so hardly moneymaking incentive to get it done
RM will need to put in 100M to build them too
One car park is not even going to make any money, will be access and residential only. Matter of fact pavement size will double - only a good thing
Second car park used by fans literally between La Castellana and the stadium, area of some 500-750m west of Bernabeu.
Which currently, surprise surprise, is a car park -
Talk about disruption to 'public land' lmao

'nobody asked for it' is a laughable argument.
Same applies to any large institution driving business in a given district of a significant urban area and this project is literally traffic management

Bigger stadium needs bigger car parks
Bigger car parks need approval of local authorities
Been agreed on since 2021
Party benefitting from it is the only one to apply
Gets contractors to do the job
Makes perfect sense
Lovely bit of efficient business

If salty about local authority not helping Barcelona in analogous case look to them and the issues they raise
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Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
Barca fans calling Real shady is funny. Why don't you lot pull one of your "levers"? :lol:
What is shady about selling parts of the club to deal with club debt?

Premier League clubs have their sugar daddies, that's how they deal with it. Foreign clubs have to do so by other means.

Barca were actually one of the last clubs in Europe to pull 'levers'. The whole of France did it and so did every club in Spain with the CVC deal, on much much worse terms

Home of Barca Fans
