Penal Madrid


Senior Member
❗Rival Watch: Real Madrid is accused of having hidden €122m in expenses. This procedure would have allowed the club to evade the salary cap imposed by La Liga and UEFA's financial fair play.

— @TeleFootball

Arrest Papa Perez and Vinicius

El Gato

In other news - that Telegraph journo is the same guy who claimed:
- RM can't afford Hazard in one go so Chelsea will not agree to sell
- RM can't afford to get Bellingham or Mbappe in summer 2023

Dude is out there to cast doubt on RM finances whenever can, so wouldn't put much stock in his take on FFP avoidance
In other news - that Telegraph journo is the same guy who claimed:
- RM can't afford Hazard in one go so Chelsea will not agree to sell
- RM can't afford to get Bellingham or Mbappe in summer 2023

Dude is out there to cast doubt on RM finances whenever can, so wouldn't put much stock in his take on FFP avoidance
if you dont mind me prying,does your girlfriend support RM?


Culé de Celestial Empire
Had a look through articles around those car parks
Everything looks lovely
You seem to be mis-pasting some numbers and inventing problems that arent there

Both car parks are underground. Not just one.
Big job, will take plenty of investment
561 is not money awarded or some bloated contract - it's an estimate of income the project will generate over 40 years
A figure even club acknowledge is higher than will be in reality so hardly moneymaking incentive to get it done
RM will need to put in 100M to build them too
One car park is not even going to make any money, will be access and residential only. Matter of fact pavement size will double - only a good thing
Second car park used by fans literally between La Castellana and the stadium, area of some 500-750m west of Bernabeu.
Which currently, surprise surprise, is a car park -
Talk about disruption to 'public land' lmao

'nobody asked for it' is a laughable argument.
Same applies to any large institution driving business in a given district of a significant urban area and this project is literally traffic management

Bigger stadium needs bigger car parks
Bigger car parks need approval of local authorities
Been agreed on since 2021
Party benefitting from it is the only one to apply
Gets contractors to do the job
Makes perfect sense
Lovely bit of efficient business

If salty about local authority not helping Barcelona in analogous case look to them and the issues they raise

OK, I stand corrected, 561m is the estimated income for RM over 40 years, not the contracted amount. That doesn't change the fact that the city of Madrid is awarding the building of these two parking lots (both are underground? OK, let's say you are right) to RM, which RM wanted in the first place on PUBLIC LAND to enable RM to rake in $$$.

I perfectly understand why RM wants to build the parking lots, what should have happened is RM buying the land from the city and build whatever they want on those land. Instead, they get awarded the contract for whatever amount of money from the city (OK, not 561m nevertheless the city of Madrid has to pay and its taxpayer's money) to build them and they get to rake in the money for 40 years at an estimated rate of 14m a year. So essentially not only is RM getting paid to build something that benefits them, they are taking over the management of them to benefit themselves even more. Sounds too good to be true elsewhere? Only in Madrid.

Bigger stadium needs bigger parking lots? How much bigger is the new Bernabeu compared to the old? How much more capacity are you adding? 20,000 more? I thought the capacity remains the same, which is around 82K, something like that?

It is a good thing and they benefit the local communities? Apparently there are lot of people in the "local communities" who don't want these two parking lots.



Senior Member
In other news - that Telegraph journo is the same guy who claimed:
- RM can't afford Hazard in one go so Chelsea will not agree to sell
- RM can't afford to get Bellingham or Mbappe in summer 2023

Dude is out there to cast doubt on RM finances whenever can, so wouldn't put much stock in his take on FFP avoidance

He is 100 percent right.

Its simply not possible for Madrid to afford these players. Bellingham + mbappe same window.

Someone needs to start an investigation. ASAP.

El Gato

OK, I stand corrected, 561m is the estimated income for RM over 40 years, not the contracted amount. That doesn't change the fact that the city of Madrid is awarding the building of these two parking lots (both are underground? OK, let's say you are right) to RM, which RM wanted in the first place on PUBLIC LAND to enable RM to rake in $$$
They wont rake in anything beyond the estimated 6M annual max, not 14. Also managing the costs of maintaining it
Not money incentive to build it

2nd car park is being built underneath an existing car park, not 'public land' as if it's actively used for something else
And residents are getting discounted rates to park in it

nevertheless the city of Madrid has to pay and its taxpayer's money) to build them
No it doesn't. City of Madrid wont pay a penny towards these car parks
The club has to fork out 100M of investment to build them
And they're buying rights to manage them for 40 years for 200,000 per year
The first car park will run at a deficit as well, no fans will ever park in that

RM is not getting paid to build what benefits them - that is preposterous
Bigger stadium needs bigger parking lots? How much bigger is the new Bernabeu compared to the old? How much more capacity are you adding? 20,000 more? I thought the capacity remains the same, which is around 82K, something like that?

It is a good thing and they benefit the local communities? Apparently there are lot of people in the "local communities" who don't want these two parking lots.

It's bigger as wont only be used by fans during games, also a shopping centre

Also lol, 3 women with signs.
Quite a 'lot' of people who dont want them

PS this is all in the articles you're quoting :lol: I genuinely do not know how you're getting knickers in a twist this way. Very clear show of bad faith and not engaging with the issue coming with a predetermined viewpoint
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El Gato

He is 100 percent right.

Its simply not possible for Madrid to afford these players. Bellingham + mbappe same window.

Someone needs to start an investigation. ASAP.
He isnt right
He said one or the other

And has been wrong several times

Nice of him to persist


Culé de Celestial Empire
Yeah, just shoot the messenger, everything is good in Madridland.
They wont rake in anything beyond the estimated 6M annual max, not 14. Also managing the costs of maintaining it
Not money incentive to build it

2nd car park is being built underneath an existing car park, not 'public land' as if it's actively used for something else
And residents are getting discounted rates to park in it

No it doesn't. City of Madrid wont pay a penny towards these car parks
The club has to fork out 100M of investment to build them
And they're buying rights to manage them for 40 years for 200,000 per year
The first car park will run at a deficit as well, no fans will ever park in that

RM is not getting paid to build what benefits them - that is preposterous

It's bigger as wont only be used by fans during games, also a shopping centre

Also lol, 3 women with signs.
Quite a 'lot' of people who dont want them

PS this is all in the articles you're quoting :lol: I genuinely do not know how you're getting knickers in a twist this way. Very clear show of bad faith and not engaging with the issue coming with a predetermined viewpoint

So not 561m over 40 years which is 14m a year but 6m a year? Where does that 561m figure come from then? If RM is not making money but rather take a loss, they wouldn't have proposed it and wanted to build these parking lots.

It doesn't matter where the second parking lot is, whether it is under an existing parking lot or not, it is on public land.

City of Madrid won't pay a penny? How so? It is a public tender aka government contract, hence there was a bidding process which RM was the only entity that showed up. If contracting companies in a public tender don't get paid by the government, where are getting paid?

At the end of the day, Florentino Perez and RM used their power and sway with politicians to obtain a lucrative business from the city that benefits them.

Talk about "predetermined viewpoint", yeah right, which you epitomize, "RM does no wrong", as always.

El Gato

What do you not understand?
If you cant see basic differences between terms like income, profit or turnover then there's no point me writing any longer posts

RM are paying to get this built. 100M investment. Also paying 200k per year for rights to manage
City of Madrid are not paying a penny

And you ought to know better I'm last madridista around to claim "RM does no wrong". Never claimed it. For you on the other hand brain-dead analysis with a thousand questions following misunderstood figures and invoking Franco's name just rolls of the tongue when a bit mad. Calm down son


Culé de Celestial Empire
What do you not understand?
If you cant see basic differences between terms like income, profit or turnover then there's no point me writing any longer posts

RM are paying to get this built. 100M investment. Also paying 200k per year for rights to manage
City of Madrid are not paying a penny

And you ought to know better I'm last madridista around to claim "RM does no wrong". Never claimed it. For you on the other hand brain-dead analysis with a thousand questions following misunderstood figures and invoking Franco's name just rolls of the tongue when a bit mad. Calm down son

OK, so you are claiming 561m is the overall revenue while 240m (6m a year x 40 years) is the actual profit that RM earns, minus all the cost of building them and maintaining them? 240m is not lucrative? 240m is not a lot of money, gift from the city of Madrid? Give me a break.

What kind of government contract it is that a bidding entity actually doesn't get paid, rather it pays everything out of its own pocket? Have you seen it anywhere else?

Of course you are being defensive here and refusing to poke at it all because of you being a madridista, if you were a Barça fan you would have reacted differently, or I shall say, if Barça had pull such a stunt.

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