Penal Madrid


Senior Member
Madrid is a very pragmatic club. They can't be arsed about the stylistic part of it. They are focused on getting the job done and that is why they do it so often.

It's also exaggerated to say Madrid play ugly football. If you put bias aside, they produce enough entertainment on top of getting the job done.

Also, about Barca teams being high above Madrid in terms of dominance, that is only restricted to a single generation if you think about it. Mostly tied to 5-6 geniuses grouped in the same team on the manager's seat and in the field also. Very unlikely it happens again at the same degree.

So, even if Barcelona manages to get a CL title soon, it's gonna be achieved much in the same manner as Madrid have achieved all their last 5-6 CLs. Not just Madrid but all sides. Late goals, keeper saves (winning a CL with Stegen should count double), being clinical, defending compact vs superior attacking sides, luck etc. The times of ultra domination are done for Barcelona. Messi, Pep, Iniesta, Xavi generation was just a one-off.


Well-known member
The best what?
You mean the guy that is invisible in every important game?
LOOL :lol:
How much you get brainwashed by PR and media is unreal

As for the rest, simply not true
3peat was lucky,
and double is quite common for CL winners.
The fact that Madrid shithouse their way to CLs doesn't mean that this is the rule
Dude we are kidding ourselves if we deny that Mbappe is at least a top 3 player in the world. The only squad in the world at the moment that can rival Real Madrid's is City, which is considerably consisted of oldies (KDB, B.Silva, Walker etc), while Real have many players that (in theory) have not even reached their prime yet.


Senior Member
Dude we are kidding ourselves if we deny that Mbappe is at least a top 3 player in the world. The only squad in the world at the moment that can rival Real Madrid's is City, which is considerably consisted of oldies (KDB, B.Silva, Walker etc), while Real have many players that (in theory) have not even reached their prime yet.

I have never entertained all these silly discussions about 'top player in the world' 'top 2 player in the world' 'top5 player in the world', etc. and the Ballon D'or culture it has cultivated

Players have skills, and many times world-class skills, question is how you use them in a well-coordinated plan.
I don't know in what percentile of 'top player in the world' Xavi and Iniesta were before 2008.
But I know Guardiola raised them 5 levels above.


Senior Member
How about you guys quit whining, and focus on yourself? Barca has been a joke in the UCL every single season since 18/19, which is starting to be some time ago, actually.

As long as Barca keeps contributing everything that doesn't go their way to luck/refs/grass length or whatever, you won't improve, simple as.

Different topic.
Yes, we have been a joke since 2016/17 actually, when Amigo culture started being dominant and toxic, and when humiliations started as a result

I am sure Hansi will change that,
we might fall to better teams, but no more humiliations


You're welcome
Madrid is a very pragmatic club. They can't be arsed about the stylistic part of it. They are focused on getting the job done and that is why they do it so often.

This just seems like a load of talking-after-the-fact.

12 years ago Real got heavily criticized for exactly the things you mention; operating as business and treating players as nothing more than assets, having a lack of style and their lack of cabinet winnings was attributed to all those things mentioned.

It’s mostly scouting, mentality and a good coach. They have a clear idea of the players they want and have good scouts to recognize which players fit that mold and have growth potential.
And mentality. Players give it their all wearing the shirt.

Now Real operating as a business and not getting emotionally attached to players and treating club legends like trash when it’s time to go are the things that they get praised for lol.

Also, it wasn’t until around Zidane’s 2nd CL win madridista’s stopped desiring a clear style of play. Because they were finally like *{^^ it, whatever we are doing is winning us CLs.
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El Gato

It is true they're negotiating participation fee
But there's been nothing clearly signalling Ancelotti's views, probably more to do with player welfare and apt compensation, represent actual club position


Active member
by the way 65th birthday from Carlo, guy looks fresh for his age

Don't know if its just my eyes but he looks like he lost weight from his last Liga stint.

I find him to be overrated as hell but he came back from the graveyard of managers that is bottom/midtable English league team to cement his legacy as one of the best these past 3 yrs.

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