Penal Madrid


So there will be 3 players fighting for the 1'st spot ?

You mean like Barca :p


6racies Xavi
Be serious, that kind of reinforcement Will most likely give them the treble. They still are a disgrace though - zero personality, just money money and pepe.
On the contrary if we believe the rumours , I dont think they will win anything. It has been brought up many times , who will defend : modric , kroos or james ? xabi alonso is over top , they have only illara left and I doubt he will get much playing time. Thier midfield is too unbalanced at the moment
On the contrary if we believe the rumours , I dont think they will win anything. It has been brought up many times , who will defend : modric , kroos or james ? xabi alonso is over top , they have only illara left and I doubt he will get much playing time.

Don't forget that they're selling their best player of 2014.


barça amor d mi alma
Just explain one thing: If real ends up buying kroos, navas, falcao and james, why play el classico at all? We buy a 31 year average left back to play as centre back, and we alteady have Alves/montoya, the liability pique and not so defensively prone alba..... How can we compete with such a line up - it Will be just like the last seasons, I am very disapointed.

Because after winning the La Decima, the bank of Madrid happily gave them the support of lending as much money as possible. It was the same before though, maybe more fluid now.


6racies Xavi
The team is too defensive. If you replace marcelo with jese abd carvajal with isco and maybe give falcao a free role while replacing navas.


New member
I'm trying to get my head around how they'll line up if James comes. Modric-Kroos behind James would be very suspect defensively and if it's Kroos-Alonso then they're dropping Modric who was one of their best players last season. James is an incredible talent but I don't see the need for him at all. Don't forget Isco.

Any Madrid fans want to share their opinion on this? I'd be interested to hear.

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