Penal Madrid


Culé de Celestial Empire
Fuck that cunt club and those pathetic fans of theirs who are defending that pile of trash club. Money can buy everything, what kind of message it is sending out to the world.


Culé de Celestial Empire
I'm currently reading through the reddit comments and there were people saying that the circumstances aren't the same. At Madrid, some cases included the children/relatives of former players (Zidane, Solari, Garay among others), and a player born and raised in Madrid. If Madrid managed to disprove the wrongfulness of these transfers then they would have had only 4 signings left that broke the rules.

If the Cunt Club was cleared of any wrongdoing why didn't the CAS completely remove the ban? Clearly they did something wrong and the Cunt Club's money, power and influence bought themselves out of it. Blatant and sickening corruption on the part of the CAS.

What a joke and a piece of crap.


Senior Member
Bartomeu: "Real Madrid having their ban reduced? Barcelona and Real Madrid had the same lawyers, so I demand an explanation"

Bartomeu: "If everything was the same then the punishments should have been the same"

:bartomeu: :bartomeu: :bartomeu:

Getting aggressive.

El Flaco

Active member
Bartomeu on Real Madrid's registration ban being reduced to January 2017.

"Barcelona and Real Madrid had the same lawyers, so I demand an explanation," the president said shortly after the news broke. "I don't know Real or Atletico Madrid's cases in detial but I have no problem in consulting our lawyers since they were similar cases.

"This legal uncertainty must stop, and I doubt that all of the player's agents were wrong at the same time.

"The players are the ones suffering because the rules aren't clear -this is what happens when their is different criteria used to judge each act."


Culé de Celestial Empire
Come on Football leaks, do something about this ! I don't care how much money Ronaldo stole.

Football Leaks along with Der Spiegel and those other media outlets are a joke, they made it out to be a huge explosive story and then failed to follow up with any substantial information and bangs, now it has already become a non-story, unfortunately.


Football Leaks along with Der Spiegel and those other media outlets are a joke, they made it out to be a huge explosive story and then failed to follow up with any substantial information and bangs, now it has already become a non-story, unfortunately.

There is enough, the problem is flo owns madrid media and the spanish justice system, and have already managed to swept it under the rug.


Culé de Celestial Empire
There is enough, the problem is flo owns madrid media and the spanish justice system, and have already managed to swept it under the rug.

I meant what they said about unveiling new info "in the next three weeks", and what new information they released? I didn't see anything. I have a beef with how they handled this whole thing, if they had accumulated enough info, release everything at once and cut the fake suspense.

And it is not just Spain, this story was not widely reported elsewhere either, as far as I could see. At least partially it should be blamed on Football Leaks/Der Spiegel/El Mundo and other media outlets.


New member
The 39 players for Madrid was the initial list, as our list also had far more kids (Even 1 name of the list was 'Sorpreson' which means 'Surprise', of course nobody in the club carried that name).

According to below tweet (guy is reliable), the Madrid case was indeed less worse than ours.

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Senior Member
If the Cunt Club was cleared of any wrongdoing why didn't the CAS completely remove the ban? Clearly they did something wrong and the Cunt Club's money, power and influence bought themselves out of it. Blatant and sickening corruption on the part of the CAS.

What a joke and a piece of crap.

No idea, maybe they thought that 4 players left would equal just one year instead of 2. For comparison, afaik in Barcas case
there were 10 transfers violating the rule and they got 2 years. I guess maybe the number plays a role here, that's at leadt how I am trying to explain this to myself. Very shady indeed all of this.

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