You cant compare them at all in the way that they are very different; pepe is pretty much "sick" - mentaly, the buscuit is just a complete disgrace for fotball.
What they do have in comon is that they destroy games, all by themselves. Believe me, Pepes insane dive was directly inspired from Busquets behaviour and we will see more and more shit like that, its how a lot of players will handle it.
In other words: Pepe probably needs some kind of threatment even outside the field, Busquets just needs to stay away from fotball. Im hoping even Barcelona fans see that as well, even though he is a really good player when he is actually playing.
Pepe could pretty much go to jail for the things he does though. He crosses the line where I can feel sorry for him, because something is just wrong in his head.
Pepe was the worst player on the field in every aspect, including dives.Busquets dived once... Pepe dived 4 times. Just sayin'
Look at last nights game again. Its pretty much everywhere. Its what made Pepe lose it.Busquets' antics are hugely exaggerated, look at last nights game alone, Pepe had at least 3 disgraceful dives, a stamp on Messi and constantly harassed the referee to book Barca players, even the sky commentators were pissed at him. would you care to share with us any recent antics by Busquets that have left your ass bleeding? I'd love to know.
WTF man!? He's really harmful for human society ad should be locked in a black hole!!Look what I found
Seriously, I want fans to see the same thing even though he helps the team with his unquestionable skill. He is simply bad for the game.Trillske!? More like TROLLske!! Stop with the hating on![]()
The fact that Pepe is completely mental doesnt make Busquets influence in fotball games less horrible. Its exactly the development I was afraid of last spring when half the team did its best to avoid fair play. Most of the squad stopped - im very happy about that. Busquets didnt. He has made it his "thing" to dive, whine and disturb the rythm in general. It might be a successfull tactic for him short term, but its just bad for the game.
Pepe was the worst player on the field in every aspect, including dives.
Look at last nights game again. Its pretty much everywhere. Its what made Pepe lose it.
The fact that Pepe is completely mental doesnt make Busquets influence in fotball games less horrible. Its exactly the development I was afraid of last spring when half the team did its best to avoid fair play. Most of the squad stopped - im very happy about that. Busquets didnt. He has made it his "thing" to dive, whine and disturb the rythm in general. It might be a successfull tactic for him short term, but its just bad for the game.
Well, he's been diving for as long as he's been in the first team... but you're making it sound like it actually matters on the pitch... If anything, it's negative for our in-game success. His diving being considered "un-manly" shouldn't be reason enough to ban him, it's the same as banning girls from playing football or work in traditionally male-dominated professions. Would you, by the same standards, want to see Di Maria, Ronaldo, Drogba, Inzaghi etc banned too?
Pepe was the worst player on the field in every aspect, including dives.
Look at last nights game again. Its pretty much everywhere. Its what made Pepe lose it.