

New member
barcaboy15, maria, I´ve conducted a general method that often works to solve your problems. Sit down, take a deep breath, close your eyes and try to imagine what you are about to do just now, and then why. Hope it helps.
Well, he's been diving for as long as he's been in the first team... but you're making it sound like it actually matters on the pitch... If anything, it's negative for our in-game success. His diving being considered "un-manly" shouldn't be reason enough to ban him, it's the same as banning girls from playing football or work in traditionally male-dominated professions. Would you, by the same standards, want to see Di Maria, Ronaldo, Drogba, Inzaghi etc banned too?
I dont care that its "un-manly", I care about the influence he has on the game. Two ways to look at it:

Simplest way, principles: Imagine every player in the world diving and provocing to the extent he does. How does the games play out? Are they fun to watch? If you accept his behaviour, you accept that image.

Even without principles: His behaviour influence other players. EUFA doesnt act, no one else does either, and the refs dont know what to do. This has led to other players not knowing how to counter it. Pepe goes out of control, but he is mental. A more rational player have to adapt; cancel out the advantage by doing the same shit themselves. Now, we´ll never fully reach the above image, but we could definatly get close. No one affords to give away any margin in todays fotball (i.e. avoid contact/getting too close).

Well I just finished watching the game, I assume you also have teh full game, care to tell me which parts of the match in particular on teh match timer I should look out for?
No, but its pretty much everywhere, so if you dont spot it we wont agree on the patterns anyway.


No, but its pretty much everywhere, so if you dont spot it we wont agree on the patterns anyway.

So you basically admit that you're talking out of your arse? Ok now how about those offside decisions that you claimed went Barca's way (in the match thread), where should I look for those?


New member
So you basically admit that you're talking out of your arse? Ok now how about those offside decisions that you claimed went Barca's way (in the match thread), where should I look for those?
If I knew you where full of shit I woudnt have responded, but since the damage is done:
No, im saying you wont agree with the patterns anyway if you dont spot them by just looking. As I wrote. Remember? One post ago?
Offside decisions first half.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
barcaboy15, maria, I´ve conducted a general method that often works to solve your problems. Sit down, take a deep breath, close your eyes and try to imagine what you are about to do just now, and then why. Hope it helps. I dont care that its "un-manly", I care about the influence he has on the game. Two ways to look at it:

Simplest way, principles: Imagine every player in the world diving and provocing to the extent he does. How does the games play out? Are they fun to watch? If you accept his behaviour, you accept that image.

Even without principles: His behaviour influence other players. EUFA doesnt act, no one else does either, and the refs dont know what to do. This has led to other players not knowing how to counter it. Pepe goes out of control, but he is mental. A more rational player have to adapt; cancel out the advantage by doing the same shit themselves. Now, we´ll never fully reach the above image, but we could definatly get close. No one affords to give away any margin in todays fotball (i.e. avoid contact/getting too close).
But... What would football be without players like Pelé, Maradona, Rivaldo, Ronaldo, Klinnsmann, Cristiano, Gerrard, Drogba, etc?
Hell, what would football be without most South Americans, Portuguese, Brazilians, Argentinians, Spaniards and Italians?


If I knew you where full of shit I woudnt have responded, but since the damage is done:

That's rich coming from a troll who makes shit up on the fly, makes accusations, comes up with baseless shitty theories, and when he's asked to provide evidence he says things like "Watch the match again, it's everywhere".
No, im saying you wont agree with the patterns anyway if you dont spot them by just looking. As I wrote. Remember? One post ago?
Offside decisions first half.

Oh, you mean the one where Sanchez was mistakenly called offside when he was on a 1 on 1 with Casillas? But yea, I can't spot them, maybe because I'm blind or you're very manipulative, I'd bet on the latter.


New member
Just because someone tries to use his brain in more productive ways ("shitty theories") than grasping random sentences to try to prove someone wrong, doesnt mean they are manipulative. And yeah, you are full of shit because you throw a question with a smiley face in the end, only to later ignore the answer and reveal your real agenda by cross-referencing another random sentence from another thread. Thats pretty much the definition of "full of shit". Again, I woudnt have responded if I knew that, because I dont think these derails of threads are very good.


New member
I remember one... Barca got a corner because of it (not the one they scored on)
Heh, when you mention it I remember that one too becuase I kept thinking "man, now they´ll score and this will be the aftermath to this classico". :p Well that was before Pepe woke up.


Just because someone tries to use his brain in more productive ways ("shitty theories") than grasping random sentences to try to prove someone wrong, doesnt mean they are manipulative. And yeah, you are full of shit because you throw a question with a smiley face in the end, only to later ignore the answer and reveal your real agenda by cross-referencing another random sentence from another thread. Thats pretty much the definition of "full of shit". Again, I woudnt have responded if I knew that, because I dont think these derails of threads are very good.

:lol: @ the bold part. I'm not full of shit, I'm just giving you a taste of your own medicine. Seriously though you're talking out of your ass. You said Busquets made Pepe flip out because of his disgraceful antics, at which point I asked you to point to a specific one and you come back saying "Look again its everywhere" :lol: in that case care to tell me the best example of it? maybe then you'll convince me. I'll give an instance to back my own argument, go to 50:19 on the match timer and see Pepe dive when he and busquets were chasing the same ball, funnily enough Busquets was like a yard behind him and all the replays show that he dived. I don't recall busquets diving, if you're referring to the incidcent with Alonso, well Alonso ran into his ribs with an elbow and Lass stamped on him, if you're enough of a simpleton to convince yourself that was a dive then you seriously need help. You also spoke of offside decisions going Barca's way, naturally I asked you to tell me which one, ok there was one as Deco20 mentioned that Barca gota corner from which led to nothing, but you seem to intetinally ignore the incorrect offside call on Sanchez which he was likely to score from, that's why I say you're full of shit sir, and thats why I bring up your shit from the other thread, to show that you have an agenda. I love how you acscue me of having an agenda, seriously :lol:

Sorry to piss on your parade, no hard feelings yea?


Active member
it's pretty clear that there's something about barca that touches trillske the wrong way (or maybe it's some of the members here) with all the exaggerated stuff he posts about diving, players being shit and so on


New member
I´ve had my ups and downs with barca. The biscuit is never going up again though. He´ll stay at the bottom with Pepe.
I'm just giving you a taste of your own medicine.
Uhm.. No, you dont. You really, really dont.:rolleyes:
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yea you're right tbh, i just shit on your argument, unlike you I don't beat around the bush and keep spewing the same drivel over and over again


Comparing Pepe to Busquets must be the most nonsense thing I've read here in quite a while... But that's expected, a team like this Barça's bound to be hated anyway.

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