




Active member
lol they were so happy to have drawn, is this what madrid are like when they're not losing? shouldn't be surprising really


New member
Neat tackle from Fab. Shame it didn't tear open his god damn hamstring. Messi had a pretty decent go at him too, although it wasn't quite malicious enough.

Haha yeah, that was great from Fab. And I loved the fans' reaction when Messi took him out. Though wasn't it hilarious how that got Messi a yellow and the Diarra foul on Messi moments later didn't?

It'd only take me one game against Pepe to make sure he'd never foul someone again. He'd never walk right again, period. I'd end that piece of shits career and sleep like a baby at night. I rather take out that poor excuse for a football player than allow him to continously hit players with the intention of injuring them (no ball, nothing). Someone needs to do something before he ends someone elses career, and if I had to choose between some innocent player getting injured b/c Pepe is having a bitch fit over losing and someone ending Pepe's career....I'll see Pepe on the stretcher any day of the week.

And after I'd send his knee backwards through his leg, I'd tell the reporters "oh, it wasn't intentional".

Would love to see it. My younger brother asked me the other day why Barca doesn't just hire a random person, get him to assault Pepe and get a life-time ban? You could be that person?

The funniest thing about him is that he is such a dirty litte fuck but he dives non-stop. If you're gonna be a 'hard-man' then you can't be rolling on the floor like such a fucking cunt so often as well. A couple in the first leg (namely the hilarious Fabregas one) and at least 2-3 yesterday, one peekaboo and one when Puyol and Pique were both next to him and he flew to the floor like he'd been shot.


Anxiously waiting for the next match
Roy Keane? :lol:
Where did you see Roy to dive like a clown? Pepe is a man with vagina for sure, his dives are as disgraceful as syphilis. Acts like a total pussy and the reason for this is that the refs in Spain tolerate this shit, while in Europe they show him red. Mou is trying to manipulate the referees, and unfortunately he has succeeded. In civilized Europe Pepe would have been awarded with 5-6 game ban for that step, as we can see for the similar cases in Germany (J. Jones) and England (Balotelli). Not in Franco's Spain, where the most expensive football club is playing like a prison's team.

Like Roy Keane :lol:

this... spain is a joke.. and pepe's dives and rolling around are Terrible for the sport (and to think he fancies himself a tough man)


Active member
Teixeira Vitienes (referee, to Pepe during game yesterday): "Please stop diving, act like a professional." #fcblive [via cuatro]



its wierd, referees usually don't give any comments after the games.

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