

New member
you just summed it nice, everyone [except some madridistas] sees it except RFEF, nice catch there ;)
yeah I could not give two shits about Pepe myself but you honestly believe young guys didnt love likes of Maldini Baresi, Beckenbauer, Nesta....hell I LOVE Puyi for what he is doing, btw Cannavaro got BDO in 2006 (yeah I know, but its still popularity thing)

imagine something like=> kid is watching the game: Messi is stopped by Pepe with some tackle, great, brilliant that denfender is good......few minutes later Pepe kicks, stomps, tackles Messi intentionaly not looking for a ball, milions of angles from cameras and referee, altough seeing situation, says go on nothing happened.....kid is like: hell yeah I got to try this
people are influenced by everything, everytime
I wouldn't waste my time if i were you, He's just a tool.

El Gato

I do believe young guys do not look into defence until reaching a certain age, unless they belong to a proper club and have a proper guidance (in case of which coaches will teach them what to do and what to avoid doing). I did love Hierro or Salgado, but never looked into their game as much as I did in the case of forwards and any player who is more fluent on the ball, Zidane, Raul, Del Piero, Van Nistelrooy, Ronaldo, whoever else. Because that's what kids love to do first of. And then after you reach that certain age at which you do start paying attention to defence, you usually start talking about football in more detail and appreciating what's a foul play and what's not a foul play. But by then you're not falling into that category anymore.

As for kids trying out the fouling approach, it's never going to root deep into them and if it does they won't find anyone to play with, because no-one played with idiots who went out there just to foul you at my age. Aggressive players come around in every generation. Last decade we had Makelele, Keane or Gattuso. This time there is Pepe. Have you never fouled anyone hard, stomped on them out frustration or anything like that when you were out playing with mates or as a kid in general? I know I did, but I grew out of it. Rest assured, there won't be a generation of new Pepes if you're so worried about him being a role model.

Edit: And to add the last bit in, as I said about RFEF and you agreed, that just means you guys should let it go because it will make your life easier. But you can do what you want on your forum really.
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El Gato

he actually got yellow card? que INJUSTICA! what are your opinions Wolfe, pretty normal and not so obvious right?

Obvious and stupid, deserved a red, but Gamez should have gotten at least a yellow for that tackle on his knees too.


New member
I'm surprised Pepe didn't step on the guys head as he walked by and pretended like it was just grass he stepped on. No big deal.

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