Premier League 2022/2023

PL winner?

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Senior Member
City are tough affair in league format. Doubt any team could cope in a 38 game format vs a top drilled Pep side tbh.
He's averaged 93 points a season for the last 14 league seasons he's managed (extrapolating his 34 game Bundesliga season points to 38 format).

To put that into context, SAF's best season was 90 points and he won 13 EPLs :lol:

El Gato

League merchant will always get people cartwheeling for him TBH
Hardly something anyone judges him by at this point


Senior Member
He's averaged 93 points a season for the last 14 league seasons he's managed (extrapolating his 34 game Bundesliga season points to 38 format).

To put that into context, SAF's best season was 90 points and he won 13 EPLs :lol:

Yeah... not pleasant to have to deal with that type of consistency, basically you have to be fucking awesome to even compete. No wonder the United fans on redcafe are dealing with some sort of mental illness.

They are down their knees down there praying somebody bans City, to give them some tiny hope. They also pray Qatar buys them... and do what they blame City of doing also... but that's miscellaneous stuff.

One can't really know the meaning of the word hypocrisy until he spends a full 12 months on redcafe. Survive 12 months there and you will be virgin Mary. :lol:
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Senior Member
To be honest, City in general aren’t well received and Pep doesn’t get the respect and adulation in England that you might think given their success.

Probably because they were litter only 15 years ago and then can buy whoever they want every summer.


Senior Member
To be honest, City in general aren’t well received and Pep doesn’t get the respect and adulation in England that you might think given their success.

Probably because they were litter only 15 years ago and then can buy whoever they want every summer.

Even so, their spending is reasonable since Pep got the reigns there, and he got them from 4th, barely making the CL spots. And if one is to point fingers, United is the last club to do so, I believe their spending is no1 for many years in England. Also in wages.

Due to Pep factor, City can do with lower wages because every player knows by know that being managed by Pep is like working at Apple under Steve Jobs or some sort of big pride like that.

City were largely irrelevant at the top until Pep got there. Now they are top dogs. It's the lesson PSG never really learned. Money in themselves are irrelevant. Money in the right hands is what makes a difference.

But then PSG are not satisfied if the world sees their team as Pep's PSG. They absolutely need the world to tie Qatar wealth directly to success, and the last time I've checked Pep is catalan, or at least Spanish.
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Senior Member
PSG are a failure because they think money are in themselves what gets you glory. It's a complete utopy. Da Vinci also worked for money. A Da Vinci painting was also a Da Vinci painting or a Dumas novel was a work done by these artists, regardless where the money came from. Most high-value artisans love money and will work for the highest payer.

At the end of the day, money are immensely important in football if you can get the best managers. If you spend your money to get Gaultier to do ego-management for some pampered stars while limping to a Ligue 1... :lol: well fucking lol. Then you deserve to be the ridicule of Europe.


Senior Member
EPL is the money league. For them to investigate a team for doing what they are mostly known for is hugely hypocritical. What they don't like about City is the source of their funding, that's all. If City's financers were US based, they would have no issue at all.

Once United gets bought by Qatar, that goes to shit completely. It's all Arabian playground soon.


Senior Member
FFP? I think the average fan doesn't even know what it stands for. It's a joke anyway. Football is a filthy sport, the most tainted of them all.

Eh, there are several to pick from, take cycling, there was a time you would have thought half of them were cheats, and you would probably guess right.


Senior Member
Eh, there are several to pick from, take cycling, there was a time you would have thought half of were cheats, and you would probably guess right.

Cycling is nowhere near football in terms of size. Size and importance matter a whole lot.


Senior Member
United has had terrible return on the money they have spent.

Yes, City are cheats, but United should be able to complete with them, judging at the level of spending, but instead they been fighting for UCL spots most seasons last 10 years, thats abysmal.
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Senior Member
FFP? I think the average fan doesn't even know what it stands for. It's a joke anyway. Football is a filthy sport, the most tainted of them all.
They don’t know the finer details I agree but they were aware that whilst City were claiming the most revenue in world football, they couldn’t ever fill their stadium.

Hence the Emptyhad jibes it gets. I think Pep is the GOAT by the way but just thought I’d mention it’s not a particularly common opinion in England.

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