Look at how our players listen to Setien vs. how Atleti players listen to Simeone.
Sooooo glad I gave up on this crap team after Ainfield.
Lmao I feel nothing for these losers.
Sooooo glad I gave up on this crap team after Ainfield.
Lmao I feel nothing for these losers.
I'll never 'give up' on Barca as a club but if things dont change this summer ie Suarez and a few seniors getting sold then fuck watching them until the 2021 elections
as @jairzinho said 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.'
There will barely be any changes this summer
Apart from Pjanic being swapped in for Arthur and Trincao arriving the squad should be practically identical to this year's. The financial situation in football is not good right now and there is such a quick turnaround from the CL in August to the new season in September meaning no proper pre-season.
Don't expect any major changes in 2021 either even if the newly elected board is competent. The election is in the middle of the summer meaning any new President won't be able to make a significant mark until 2022 at the earliest.
Liga is over. Now if want UCL, a new coach is must (Xavi or Piementa). At least senior players will not go against them like Setien.
Exactly. The core of this team is finished. Bringing in 2-3 new players is not going to change anything.
In fact next season could be even worse.
�� People actually expected Setien to make a difference?