Quique Setien


Senior Member
If he makes semis he should be saved. If he somehow goes past Bayern, he has made a miracle.

But yes if he loses against Napoli or Bayern he is probably sacked. Odds are against him.

depends if it's down to luck or something else. with the current format anything can happen. bayern player receives a red card in the first minutes of the game and we sneak through.

that's why semis won't do it for me. as he clearly demonstrated up until now that he is a clueless moron who got lucky to be in this position.

also, winning something with this group would at least raise his status in the eyes of the players. right now they don't give a shit about him and rightly so.
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Senior Member
This CL format will have no real sporting value at all (other than the prestige) - pretty much like the world cup. It will be random as fuck. I would hate for us to draw conclusions from that.


Senior Member

While Barca want to get rid of their coach Quique Setien, the technical secretary of Blaugrana, Eric Abidal, pushes for the candidacy of Laurent Blanc [l'equipe]


Senior Member
Higher pedigree than the likes of Valverde and Seiten but he has been out of action in terms of managing for 4 years now.

Last time he managed MSN was still a thing and our core players haven't flung themselves off a cliff just yet. He got his teams to play good football but at the same time there were stories on how he struggled against some of PSG's heavyweights. Feel like he would suffer the same fate here if he replaced Seiten.


Senior Member
"First, he has difficulties in fighting egos, and when the going gets tough, he will experience acute pressure to keep his job, something the Qatari owners did to him a lot"

"it was star man Zlatan Ibrahimovic who insulted France, by saying it’s a “sh*t country” after a disagreement with a referee."
"Serge Aurier’s ... saying that his coach sucked Zlatan’s genitals and saying Blanc is a “p*ssy” live on Twitter"
"it cost the former Bar?a player many sleepless nights as he tried to solve that"

Source: Barcauniversal

Think Setien's relation with the players is a mess?
Think the Amigos got a free ride with Valverde?

Well, if Blanc comes and the above about him is true, we haven't seen anything yet...


Senior Member
Didn't you always complain that Messi and co are small church kids so they suck in CL? Then you use it against Pep because he had Messi. Not sure if I follow your logic all the time. I feel like you always change your agenda how it fits for you.

Valverde was carried by Messi for two years, you could say that too, which is probably true too.

Setien or Valverde are no world class coaches. They are similar level, Valverde more proven but I don't think the difference is that big.

Now you will make a billion word list why Valverde is better. Yes I know he has more impressive achievements but again he didn't try to do anything new with this Barca team and he let them age badly. Some of the fault goes to him how he managed this squad.

Setien has way bigger balls than Valverde and that counts for me. We need coach with balls and authority to say no to our spoiled players. This is not everlasting holiday in Barcelona. (It would always end up in conflict but that's fine. These players are spoiled as ****.)

We need someone who can shake the boat, not yes man like Valverde. I am happy we fired Valverde and signed Setien. Although I don't think this is long-term plan but good enough for now.

And fuck the style of football Valverde played. Anti fucking football. It was worse football than watching Atletico park the bus for ninenty minutes. Thats how boring it was. Thank God he is gone. He should have been fired Long time ago!

How is 2 laliga tittles equal to 0?

Explain how 2=0. If not then no debate.

Setien has more balls??? No. Suarez is one of example. He can not even bench Suarez while Suarez is half fit and doesnt play well. How is it?

You may bring Puig but let be honest, Puig gets his chance because De Jong was injured, Arthur declined massively, no other choice. Of course Setien does trust him now and that is something i appreciate.


Well-known member
Bigger name but i don't think that would change much for next season as the core of the team will stay the same anyway.


Well-known member
Even the weak 82 points of this season would have been enough to win the league in 17/18 and 18/19, just to add some perspective.

The team was also already going downhill real fast the first half of the season, that's why Valverde finally got sacked after surviving two huge CL humiliations. Setien took over mid season and couldn't influence the squad or the preparation in any significant way so if he can perform equally to the league master that should already proof it really doesn't matter what bum is standing (or sleeping) at the sideline, with these average coaches it just comes down to the team or in our case more so Messi.

Setien is a nobody and average at best but this retrospective praise for Valverde is really irritating. It was 2 and a half seasons of mediocre and boring ass football winning domestic titles against a terribly preforming Real Madrid by pressing the last drop of energy out of the veterans leaving us with an old, entitled and physically dead squad.
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