Radamel Falcao


Calma, calma
Like I said, it's not just about the goals. It's about the chances created and the feeling of "they're going to score easy". A couple of years ago, we would hardly be in the type of situations within a game where the goals we have conceded so far could realistically happen consistently.

I agree with the rest that you've said. Our wingers should just need more courage to take on their man. Currently only Alba and Iniesta do this. Either that, or they're being held back by instructions. Which once again goes back to fear of losing possession. We keep going back to Messi over and over again because he's our safest attacking threat, both statistically and in terms of talent.


We also do not have to add one more attacker. We can sell one (or even 2) and another, potentially better one.
Might as well get Gomez then.

No, for the same reason we don't need Falcao. In my earlier post, I mentioned the criteria we need to have in a CF: goalscoring ability, tactical awareness, pace, and work rate. Gomez & Falcao certainly have the first one, and to a certain extent the second; but they don't have the last 2. So playing either of them in front of Messi wouldn't really benefit either of them as you point out.

What I'm arguing is that we need to find players who not only will add quality to the team but also complement our current squads, and since our attack is built around Messi we need to be attuned to that fact when we sign players. Signing Neymar, while expensive would be better than signing someone like Gomez or Falcao; but IMO Chicharito and Muller are more complementary to Messi without lacking in quality and thus should be the ones targeted.


New member

Like Falcao he would bring a threat in the air and is a versatile CF who can dribble, pass, create space and most importantly score goals.


Anxiously waiting for the next match
you guys want to shell out huge amounts of money for players that play in the same space as Messi.



because they play too much fifa manager.

I think it is you who plays too many video games. If I am not mistaken (because I have never played them) these games are wholly immersed in the philosophy of this player gives you so much if you play him in that position, and so on and so on. Of course there is a considerable degree of truth in this notion (namely that players' effectiveness has a lot to do with where they play) but the suggestion that I find so widespread by many in here, namely, that if we add Falcao to our team, then Messi will automatically drop 50% and so will Falcao. I really don't buy this. Just because Ibra did not suit us, it does not follow that Falcao won't either. Falcao is totally different to Ibra. First of all, he is much more mobile, he is infinitely superior in the air (our most obscene attacking weakness) he boasts a massively greater work-rate and he is a better finisher. The only thing that Ibra has better than Falcao is passing, but we sure as hell don't have a lack there. We are gonna use Falcao as a number "9" and get shitloads of goals off him. Just saying.

As to all those who will once again say, but our system this, but Messi should be moved that and blah blah blah. Well, I have a very simple question for them. What do we have to do, to get goals from someone who is not Argentinian? Because I do not think that there is a single doubt, that our Messidependencia has reached levels beyond "red alert".

Please, tell me how...


Anxiously waiting for the next match
we said nothing about ibra at all..

It comes down to the fact that falcao cannot play on the wings, and Messi is best playing in/through the middle... so how can they both exist on the pitch without one of them playing in a less effective position

also falcao would cost so much... 40 mill I would guess


Why should Messi always play through the middle? Why is it so inconceivable that he would sometimes play as a RW? I reckon you that he will be 95% of what he is now, even on the RW.

Or how about Messi playing between the lines, like he did in several game in 08/09 and 09/10 when we had other number 9s in the team? Or how about a 3-5-2. I really dig that Italian system:



Anxiously waiting for the next match
Why completely change the whole system if it is not broken? Just to make room for Falcao? We are not struggling we are in first. In theory and on fifa yes Falcao to Barca looks great, but it just really not needed at all.


New member
I don't think Falcao is a Barca quality player . I haven't seen enough top quality passing and half-touch plays in his game. He looks more like a goal-poacher rather than a ball playing forward which we need .Fortunately there is a player named Neymar who has the quality to play in frontline of attack along with Messi.If we can get that guy we can find the solutions to the problems if any exist.
Also I can't explain but I feel Falcao and Messi can't play together.It won't happen just like Ibra's case.


New member
4-3-3 is fixed. Don't think we will ever change it to 3-5-2 or else.We do have flexible systems which you can sometimes observe in games. But that flexibility is based on the set of rules(instructions). If we play without those rules than we won't be the same. It is very simple because we don't have players to play better in a different formation.
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New member
Yes, let's change Barca's entire system and tradition in order to fit a player we don't need and can't afford. While we're #1 in the league. Seems like a reasonable idea.

Our problem is not attacking, it's defending. Leave the Falcao idea alone already...


OK, maybe Neymar would suit our style better, but I am not as convinced that he can deliver the goals as I am with Falcao.

Changing our system would be a risk, but I believe it is a necessary risk, since all the teams on the planet are familiar with us by now. The fact that we are top of the league is hardly reassuring for my money. In a few games we were lucky (Sevilla, Betis and Osasuna, maybe even Granada) and Madrid were unlucky (Sevilla, Betis and even Getafe) Let's not also forget the difficulty we had against average sides in the CL like Celtic and Spartak. Actually when was the last time we played like vintage Barca, blowing top level opposition as if they were Segunda B level? I think it was back in 2011 against United.


Yes, because our forwards are scoring like crazy, what need do we have for the best striker on the planet???

71 goals. No one else has scored so many goals this season. Neither last season : 190.
But if we have a good defense maybe we wouln´t suffer stupid goals against chelsea: 4 shots 3 goals....

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