Radamel Falcao


New member
I have no doubt that our attacking players can and will find the net against stronger teams. They always do. Those games against Chelsea were incredibly strange.

But what does happen on a regular basis, sadly, is Valdes being pumped with ridiculous goals. That's what I am afraid of.
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I have no doubt that our attacking players can and will find the net against stronger teams. They always do. Those games against Chelsea were incredibly strange.

But what does happen on a regular basis, sadly, is Valdes being pumped with ridiculous goals.

I agree with the "ridiculous goals" argument because I have seen our games. Some of them to be fair, were totally freakish though:

Go to minute 8:00, double freakin' deflection.

These 2 goals we conceded against Sevilla were just atrocious defending. First, Alves is just having a look at Trochovski screwing us, and 2nd, Song and Mascherano just make room for Negreda to further dick us:

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We have conceded 22 goals in 21 CL+La Liga games. That is a bit too much for sure. But there were a few freakish games in there that make our record look worse than it is.

The thing that worries me the most though, is the following. Pedro+Alexis have scored 3 goals this season. Just one in the league. Both of them put together! Villa has 5 league goals, which sounds good given the minutes that he has played so far, but can he be a starter? Maybe he no longer has the legs to last 90mns and that is why Tito keeps him on the bench so much.


So, are we doing poor financially? Because if we're not, why can't we get a good defender and a good CB?

We have grossed almost 500m euros last season and we have substantially decreased our debts. Sandro said that we have saved some transfer monies from this season to the next, so next summer we should be able to buy 2 quality players. One at the back, and one forward. If we also sell one forward, maybe we can buy 2 quality forwards.


New member
Villa being a starter and not getting enough playing time is a different problem all together. Pedro+Alexis not scoring is indeed a bit sad, frankly, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a problem, as long as our midfield and fullbacks can provide what the two of them don't. In this scenario we're primarily using them for width. And still we got those 26 non-Messi Liga goals.


10 of those 26 were scored by Villa and Cesc. Cesc is now out, and Villa doesn't start games.


New member
Yes? It's not as if we lost Cesc and Villa forever. Cesc will be back, and Villa is at Tito's disposal.

It might be a slight problem for the next few games, as Cesc will be missing, but I don't see the problem further than that.

Now, if we didn't have them, I'd be in favour of buying an attacker ASAP.


World Champion
He's going to Real Madrid. So you guys better learn to hate him rather sooner than later.



New member
We must win La Liga this year, it's our last chance. :troll:

All joking aside, if or when Falcao comes to Madrid, we won't stand a chance if we don't seriously improve our defense.


New member
Compare the rest of our games to to the rest of their games, and you will find a different picture. That Deportivo game was a one-off.

Take our far more important game against Chelsea though. We conceded one, and we scored zilch. A 3-2 for Chelsea would have been way, way better.

No doubt we need a world-class defender, but I think that even then, we will still concede some stupid goals, due to the style of our play. The only thing that I'm saying is that we need a world-class forward as much as we need a world-class defender. Nothing more, nothing less.

Are you f*cking crazy? World-class defender? Last season I was like you convinced we needed a world-class defender like Kompany or Hummels or Thiago Silva to replace ageing Puyi despite the fact Mascherano was doing a fantastic job in his new role as a CB under Pep and I don't see a reason why Masch needs to be replaced the day when HE replaces Puyi which will be soon. Ok if you say he is prone for making tactical defensive errors such as eliminating offside rules which he actually did quite a few times, but I think overall Masch has evolved from a defensive midfielder to a renowned top-class central back and I believe Barca extended his contract on this new term in which he saw his wages increased last August. As for a world-class forward, we all now that Neymar is the right candidate to replace Villa and that he gets the nr 7 jersey.


New member
I believe Bartra has the potential to become a great central back only we should send him on loan next season to a primera division club and use Fontas as a back-up CB in the last pecking order after Busquets and Song.
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New member
My only concern with our "false 9" system is (god forbid) Messi pick up an injury what would we do?
Villa looks a shadow of his old self (understandable with his injury). After Messi all we have is wingers. Are we going to put Cesc through the middle like Spain? Sure we can but none will be as effective as Messi.

I think what most cule's concern with this Falcao idea is more depth and the fact that having a Falcao/Cavani in our side isn't going to hurt Messi. Remember our front line of Henry - Eto'o - Messi? We had 3 players who were goal scorers vs. just 1 who consistently scores now. Messi is the greatest player on the planet but all the records he's set this last year is also due to the fact that after him we don't have anyone else consistently scoring goals.


We must win La Liga this year, it's our last chance. :troll:

All joking aside, if or when Falcao comes to Madrid, we won't stand a chance if we don't seriously improve our defense.

If their forward line will be CR7 + Falcao, then every team in Europe is in some serious shit. And first of all, us. We will need to strengthen in both the forward and defensive lines.


My only concern with our "false 9" system is (god forbid) Messi pick up an injury what would we do?
Villa looks a shadow of his old self (understandable with his injury). After Messi all we have is wingers. Are we going to put Cesc through the middle like Spain? Sure we can but none will be as effective as Messi.

I think what most cule's concern with this Falcao idea is more depth and the fact that having a Falcao/Cavani in our side isn't going to hurt Messi. Remember our front line of Henry - Eto'o - Messi? We had 3 players who were goal scorers vs. just 1 who consistently scores now. Messi is the greatest player on the planet but all the records he's set this last year is also due to the fact that after him we don't have anyone else consistently scoring goals.

That's what I have been arguing for a few pages now. But the belief with many in this forum, is that having Falcao will somehow weaken us, or not improve us enough, or something of similar incoherence.

If Falcao is not the man for us, and Ibra is not the man for us (that is for certain) then who is? Some random winger like Navas/Valencia/Walcott? Some powerful forward like Hulk. Some cheaper number "9" like Demba Ba? Jakson Martinez? Or simply Neymar?

Now Neymar, who is more akin to our style, is a fantastic talent, but there is one thing that troubles me. His slender physique. He seems eminently kickable. I think he needs to build some muscle before coming to Europe.

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